Bossy wishes she were kidding. Yesterday afternoon Bossy’s 11-year-old daughter was trying to be a good samaritan and deliver a first grader home from the school bus stop because the little girl’s parents weren’t there to greet her.
What happened next was swift and treacherous: Bossy’s daughter climbs the porch steps and rings the bell. The little girl’s grandmother loses her ability to control their enormous and vile dog that has a history of aggressiveness. The dog hurls at Bossy’s daughter and bites her in the mouth, literally ripping away her smile.
Think of the person in the world that least deserves a trauma such as this. And then think of that person wrapped in angel. Now you are beginning to know the Sweetness that is Bossy’s daughter.
Before rocketing to the Emergency Room, Bossy had the foresight to comb the neighbor’s porch and locate the missing section of upper lip. During the surgical procedure that followed, that piece of upper lip was grafted back in place while Bossy’s son held his brave sister’s hand.
The family is now holed up at home where they plan to remain for eternity or even longer. Bossy’s daughter squeezes microscopic pieces of food into the far edges of her mouth. She rings a bell when she needs something. Bossy and her daughter shared a bed last night so they could keep an eye on each other. They were both exhausted, so lucky thing they slept soundly for about eleven minutes in a row.
But with morning came the crashing realization of the thing that went wrong in an instant.
It’s all about the graft. The next week to ten days is supposed to reveal whether this graft will take—certainly her best chance of returning very close to the way it was. But it’s a complicated area.
So if you have a small corner available way up there in all of your thoughts, please allow Bossy’s daughter to linger for a while. Bossy promises her smile is worth it.
Oh my gosh…how terrible! No good deed goes unpunished!
I will keep her (and you) in my thoughts. Wow. how quickly life changes.
My heart goes out to you.
My thoughts and prayers are with your daughter. I pray she gets her smile back.
By the way, you might see if acupuncture (or acupressure) can help the body heal.
Oh no! That is horrible. Make sure you stay on top of the doctors and be as demanding as you are able.
I’m so sorry.
I am so incredibly sorry. That should never happen to anyone, let alone your sweet little girl. I am so sorry.
My deepest prayers are with you and your family at this most difficult time. It’s fortunate that she has such a loving family to wrap her up in compassion and caring and love as she heals – very potent medicines indeed.
I immediately opened the window to leave a comment and then sat here for a good 7 minutes, just trying to figure out what to say. I still don’t know. The only thing I can think of is that a person with the sweetness that you have described your daughter as having will always be beautiful, no matter what. She’ll be in my thoughts, and not just in a small corner.
I am so sorry to hear this. I knew something must be wrong and then saw another comment confirming it. I will keep her and your family in my heart and will pray for that beautiful smile to reemerge as quickly as possible.
Delurking to say I am so very sorry, and will keep your daughter, you and your family in my thoughts.
Keeping your family in my thoughts. Take care over there and be strong.
sending many hugs and good thoughts!
What a gorgeous smile! Here’s sending lots of love and good wishes that she recovers quickly.
no bossy no!!! i’m so sorry! here’s hoping she gets better soon!
Oh my God. I hereby relinquish any thoughts that were directed at my troubles and re-direct them to you and your daughter. I hope and pray for a speedy and complete recovery for her.
: [
Oh Bossy. I am SO SORRY to hear this.
How absolutely terrifying. AND HORRIBLE.
Sorry internet animal lovers, but, um, that out-of-control-history-of-violence D-O-G…needs to be shot. In the face.
You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers.
Please know that my prayers for a complete healing are with your daughter and your whole family. May the graft take and her lip heal. It’s so unfortunate and unfair to your sweet girl who was only trying to look out for that child.
It amazes me that people families with small children have agressive dogs. I hope a report was filed.
Omg I am so sorry to hear that! I hope she heals quickly and you recover as well. best wishes for your baby.
Mom to Mom, Bossy, you and your family will get through this. You live in the best country in the world for reconstructive and plastic repair surgery. She (and you) are in for a long haul but she has literally the best chance in the world for an excellent and beautiful recovery. I hope she is cuddling with your great dane and that she forgives dogdom for this. She will come out of this as beautiful as ever and stronger than ever. **sniff**
oh love, this is horrible for you and your sweet girl. we pray at our house, hope you don’t mind if add her to ours this day. And we’ll hope for the best -and for some rest and some smiles ahead.
Good grief!
I’m so sorry for her and your family. I hope she heals well and has an easy time doing so…
We don’t pray at my house, but you both will be in my thoughts all day and I’ll be sending my good wishes your way. No good deed goes unpunished.
How horrifying, an absolutely senseless trauma. What is wrong with people?
Thinking of you, your family and especially your daughter.
This is such terrible news — we hope everything will be OK. We had a similar dog accident this year that only resulted in a split lip and stitches.
I hope things go at least as well for your daughter as they did for our son…
I am so very sorry. Your whole Bossy family is in my thoughts.
Holy crap! I feel so bad for her. I’m sending out good monkey vibes that Daughter o’ Bossy gets better quick!
I will certainly be thinking of Bossy’s daughter and hoping that her smile comes back 100%.
OMG. Praying that the graft takes and her smile returns.
Poor girlie! I hope everything works out perfectly.
Oh, this is awful. Just awful. Your poor little girl. And poor you, too. I can’t imagine. I don’t even want to.
Hoping and praying she makes a perfect recovery.
Bossy I am so very very sorry. There is just nothing worse in life than having something happen to your child. I thought it might help you to know that in the 1970’s my brother was in a car accident and had the same situation where they graphed his lip back on and we just had to hope and wait and pray that it would take. And it did – and that was in the 1970’s so one would think technology has advanced incredibly. I will keep Bossy’s daughter in my prayers.
I’m new to your site and just “getting to know you” here, but I will still give her much more than “a small corner” today. I hope she heals well and swiftly. Her picture is beautiful. Sarah
{{{Get well soon Daisy daughter}}}
Get ready to take responsibility for your enormous and vile dog that has a history of aggressiveness little girl’s parents that weren’t there to greet her.
My stomach is doing flips over this. I wish I could just rewind and make it un-happen. I wish there was SOMETHING I could do.
Mountainous piles and heaps and gobs of good thoughts to your daughter and entire family. Horrifying thing to have to go through. As Hubby mentioned up-thread, we went through a similar, but not as severe, situation with #2 son this spring. PLEASE report this bite to the police. If the dog has a documented history of aggressiveness, it will be Dealt With.
She is a beautiful girl with a beautiful smile, and no dog bite can change that.
Oh my goodness. My heart totally just grew a new chamber, and that is where I will keep all of my warm thoughts for her.
Oh my God. I am having such pain for you and daughter today and such a horrid, black rage at this dog… I know there’s no room for that now, just love to your beautiful, brave daughter. We in Nashville are sending her, and you, waves of love – – a veritable tsunami of love. Oh, Bossy.
That is so terrifying. I’m so sorry. Gentle e-hugs to all of Bossy’s family and I will be thinking of all of you.
My thoughts are with you.
I am so sorry. She is beautiful!! Having worked in the medical field, I just wanted to say please check out any doctors first! I’m sure you will but i’ve heard some horror stories. This is legal in all 50 states, a doctor just needs to have a medical license to do any type of cosmetic or plastic surgery. They don’t have to actually specialize in that field! Once they have a medical license they can just declare that they specialize in cosmetic surgery!! Also, I am an animal lover however that dog needs to be taken away or put down. Shouldn’t be living in a neighborhood with small children! I hope all works out. You’re in our thoughts!
The thought, just the thought of something so traumatic makes my heart ache for your beautiful daughter. I simply can’t imagine how you feel. My thoughts and prayers are there with you.
Oh no! Bossy I am so sorry and I will allocate a HUGE portion of my thoughts and good energy towards your family & your gorgeous daughters smile!
Oh Bossy. I’m so sorry and all kinds of good and wonderful healing thoughts are headed to that beautiful child and her momma.
oh Bossy, how horrible! I am so, so sorry this happened to your sweet daughter and she will be in my thoughts (and in the thoughts of countless others).
My friend was attacked by a dog when he was only 4 and they had to completely reconstruct his nose. Now you can’t even tell, it looks slightly different than the rest of the family’s but otherwise perfect.
Hope your daughter heals quickly and completely. I can echo the sentiment that from the way you describe her she will be no less beautiful no matter what.
Sending positive healing thoughts your way…
Healing mojo coming your way from the Pacific Northwest. What a dear. Hang in there mom.
My thoughts are with all of you right now and I’m hoping for a complete and speedy recovery (physically and emotionally).
Having been attacked by a vicious dog when I was a little girl, I can relate to what she may be feeling right now.
Dear Bossy and family,
I am so sorry to hear of this horror. Sending positive thoughts and vibes your way.
Heal quickly!
More prayers got you and your family — most especially your precious daughter.
I am so sorry to hear this! I am thinking about her and praying her lip recovers quickly and well. Poor baby!
I am so sorry, sweetie! AG and UC will bake you cookies, stay home from school with you and play games, if it will make your smile and heart come back to us.
You are the best kid in the whole world.
Happy Holidays,
AG and UC (Your blog Auntie and Uncle 800 times removed)
A very, very large corner of my thoughts is now cordoned off and devoted to your girl, and to your family, and to you. Warmest aloha.
Oh no! I hope she recovers swiftly and completely!
Oh. My. God.
Thoughts, good vibes, well wishes, prayers and anything other positive thing I can conjure up and send floating eastward — I will.
I’m so sorry that happened Bossy. Tell your daughter we’re all thinking of her and to get well soon and heal quickly.
Anything I attempt to say will probably sound trite, but I mean it with the deepest feeling. Smiles come from inside, and nothing — no ferocious dog — can change that. I will be thinking of you and your darling daughter and family all week, all month, until I hear that she is healing.
Peace, my blogging friend.
I am so very sorry to hear of this. Your family will be in my family’s thoughts and prayers.
I’m so sorry. Please tell your daughter that I’m thinking of her and hopes she feels better soon.
We will be praying for your beautiful daughter’s physical and emotional healing.
I will pray for ur daughter and that ur nightmares go away. Gosh, it’s just to terrible!
My prayers and all positive energy are with your daughter and your family.
Oh Bossy, oh poor sweet daughter. Sending you all the best upper lip vibes I have.
Oh Bossy how terrible! I’m sending white healing light to your daughter… Don’t overdo that 11 mins of sleep though, wouldn’t want to get greedy.
My stomach was churning as I read this post and looked at that gorgeous face. Mother to mother, and with trips to emergency rooms with my son in the past, I am praying the graft takes well and that you all will have the peace and strength and patience through a very difficult time. Kids are amazingly resilient. Much more then us old folks!
We love you out here in cyberspace. Great, big > to both of you!
love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love…sending ALL our love her way. xoxoxoxoxxoxoxoxoxoxxoxoxoxxo
I will be praying for your whole family. That is just…really horrid.
I have made some room in my thoughts and it will be redirected towards prayers for your little girl.
I’m so sorry to hear about this. I wish you and your daughter the best in her recovery.
Oh my GOSH, that’s horrible. Your poor sweet girl! I am hoping all goes well and she heals as perfectly as possible as soon as possible. Poor sweetie—hurt and scared. Here’s all the thoughts you need.
Using My Words
Sending you absolutely everything I’ve got. If there is anythiing we can do beyond that…let us know.
Oh Bossy. I am thinking about Bossy’s Daughter and wishing her speedy, happy, recovery. I am thinking about meany dog and having THOUGHTS OF DEATH. I am thinking about poor 1st Grader and hoping she’s sleeping okay having seen all that.
And I am thinking of you, and hoping that you are snuggled in with your healing humor and you know we’re all pulling for the Bossy Family.
Everyone here, including the Munchkin, sends all the good thoughts and healing energy we possibly can to speed healing of both body and soul. Bossy, take care of her; Daughter, take care of yourself. We’ll do the rest.
What a terrible thing for you all to be going through. THoughts and prayers coming your way for a complete and quick recovery.
Oh my goodness what a HORRIBLE thing to happen. My thoughts are with your sweet daughter. I hope the graft takes and that she heals quickly.
Oh, Bossy – I am so sorry to hear that this has happened to your sweet daughter. I wish that we lived nearby so that I could make yummy food for your family (food that’s easy to cut into small pieces and tuck into the corners of one’s mouth, of course) and offer to walk Stella for you and treat you to a haircut to celebrate once you get the news that the graft has healed PERFECTLY. I will be hoping and praying that news comes to you very quickly.
How horrible! I’ll be thinking of all of you and hoping for a quick recovery.
I am praying for your beautiful girl and for you. x
I believe in the power of prayer.
I will be praying for this beautiful child until she is healed. …and for you to, sometimes it’s harder on the mom (((hugs)))
I’m so sorry this happened to your daughter. My sister had a similar incident (only her eye instead of mouth) when she was around the same age. She still is nervous around big dogs, but still loves little ones enough to have three of them. I’m sending lots of positive thoughts her way that she might heal physically and emotionally from this soon.
Sending so many good thoughts for your daughter’s complete recovery – and Mommy strength for you to do what it takes to make it happen.
Hug her, shower her in “my poor baby,” and feed her soft ice cream.
Bossy, that’s awful!
Best wishes to you and her and the family.
poor girl…trying to do something NICE. i hope the graft takes and that she’s okay!
I’m so sorry to hear this. I hope that vicious curr was put down and you’ve already found a lawyer that will sue this crazy family through the roof. Dog bites pay big money. Please keep us updated on how she’s doing. I’ll be praying for her.
Your daughter is my prayers that the graft takes and holds.
That is soooo horrible!
Made me get a huge lump in my throat reading about it! Poor lil baby girl!!
((((((((BOSSY’s daughter))))))))
I can’t believe that this could happen to such a dear dear girl.
All of our thoughts are with you and your mom and dad and brother and all of those who love you so much.
Those of us in the animal kingdom are humiliated and grieving by such a ferocious act.
I’ve been a devoted reader for many months but have never commented, thinking I didn’t have anything to add to your entertaining posts. I still have no words, but for another reason this time. We pray in my house, too, and your daughter will be at the forefront of ours today and throughout these next few crucial days.
Jesus – I am so sorry. We will say prayers for your lovely baby girl tonight.
She will be in my thoughts and prayers until her smile is back. Poor, poor baby girl.
I hope somebody shoots that damn dog. I will fly out and do it myself.
What a terrible thing to happen. Thinking of you and your pretty little girl here in my (snowy) corner of the world.
oh no! I’m so sorry — that must have been absolutely terrifying for her (and for all of you). thinking extra special good thoughts for your daughter.
Thinking of your daughter and your family.
Bossy, I had the same thing happen to me when I was the same age as your daughter. In hindsight I can tell you the good news is children heal fast, and the scar will fade. Mine was barely visible through the important years. 50 years later it’s just another “wrinkle” on my lip. Also, today is my birthday, and I am giving my birthday wish to you to use for your daughter. Please let us know the outcome of the dog. It really needs to be put down, and the family needs to pay your medical bills.
(((no words)))
OH God. How frightening, I feel sick to my own stomach, but hate writing that because this isn’t about me.
I hope your angel is well soon. I’ll be thinking of her and of you.
Double, no, make that Triple
I’m so sorry your angel had to experience this, I’ll send up a little prayer for your daughter.
I’be been so lucky to never have experienced even stitches with my boys, let alone a skin graft, I can’t imagine.
oh no. I am sorry. I was attacked by pit bulls while 8 months pregnant, so I understand the terror. Fortunately, in my case it was only my legs. I cried reading this.. your son is the bestest brother. Hoping you have insurance and a good plastic surgeon.
May I add my thoughts? My hopes that everyone especially daughter heals well that you’ll see her smile again very soon. Just don’t make her laugh this week!
You don’t know me but I read your blog everyday because its fun and funny and you have interesting relatives. I know its not much of a payment in kind, but I am sending you all the good karma, happy thoughts, and kind wishes I can – and this comment (obviously). What happened to your sweet kid totally blows and the people who didn’t pick up their kid and THEN couldn’t control their psycho dog shouldn’t be allowed to have either the kid or the dog, the bastards. Where can I send the cookies? (or cookie dough, if your daughter prefers.)
I am so sorry to hear this. I will send healing vibes your way! I suffered a dog bite to the face when I was about 9 years old, so I know how terrifying it is. And, if it helps, I have only very faint scar to show for it.
Oh my bless her heart. Praying for you all esp her sweet smile. That is just awful.
Your sweet girl is in my thoughts and I am sending good vibes for everyone.
I am so, so sorry that happened to her (and you).
prayers for her smile
and i sure hope you are taking some action against that dog. yikes.
Oh Bossy!
This SUCKS!!! Give that girl a big hug and lots of chocolate milkshakes with protein powder.
Oh no. When I was in the hospital, my sister read me the comments people left for me, and it made me feel good. If it helps her at all, please let your daughter know I’m thinking about her, and I hope she is doing well. And I’m thinking of you, too, Bossy.
I am also sending sweet and healing thoughts to your daughter but they are arguing with the rip-the-heart-out-of-the-dog-that-hurt-a-child thoughts.
I’ll concentrate on the sweet and healing ones.
Oh Bossy, I’m so sorry this happened to your daughter. Grafts can do amazing things. Thinking of you and her too.
How absolutely horrible. Your daughter will be close in my heart throughout her recovery.
I am so, so sorry, Bossy. I will certainly keep all of you in my thoughts and my heart.
Oh, poor little angel girl! Sending healing thoughts your way…buy the sweet baby some good, soft ice cream and spoil her rotten!!
I think my heart stopped a little when i read this. How terrible
praying for you both. Good luck and fast healing
Oh no! I just came to see if the family history had been updated. This certainly wasn’t the kind of story I was hoping to read! My prayers are with you guys!
Bossy and mini-bossy placed securely in my thoughts and prayers.
I’m sorry. I can’t imagine how terrified you all were. Many, many, many healing prayers and thoughts to your whole family.
Good God Almighty. I am uncomfortable with prayer to say the least, but I will do my best for you and your sweet adorable daughter. And the sweet little first grader who lives with that beast. Swift healing to you, your daughter, and extra love to your son, too.
Bossy and Bossy’s daughter, I am so sorry. I just finished admiring pictures of my own daughter before I came to visit. I can’t imagine how you both must feel. Sending healing thoughts and prayers your way.
I’m so sorry your beautiful girl is hurt, Bossy. I’m praying for her and for you. Dude, you bring humor and light to a lot of people, most of them complete strangers. You deserve blessing upon blessing.
(I came over from Get In The Car.)
My thoughts and prayers are with you.
Just today I was telling a friend that I was SO over myself and worrying about my problems, that there were surely people out there in the world who had real issues and I just needed to be grateful.
And I see I was right. I will pray that your beautiful daughter gets her smile back. She is truly lovely.
You have more than just a small corner – tremendous amounts of good thoughts and healing energy are coming your way. What a wonderful and brave girl you have.
Oh no! That’s awful! I hope she’s better very soon. Lots of love to the Family Bossy.
Oh, that is so scary… I’m so sorry. Your family is in my thoughts!
That is so horrible and scary!! My thoughts are with all of you and, especially, your sweet daughter.
Never did I expect to come to Bossy’s website and end up with tears in my eyes. Lots of love , warm wishes and speedy recovery to Bossy and that very precious daughter of hers.
Don’t know what made me tear up more – the retelling of the attack, or the linked birthday post.
Your daughter is a very sweet and special girl, Bossy. And her beautiful, loving family is just as special. I’m keeping you all in my thoughts, and my fingers crossed for a quick recovery.
Bossy and her beautiful daughter (who I’m sure is NOT average) have our fervent Tuvaluan/Unitarian prayers.
oh my god. I’m so very sorry that this happened. Sending all of my juju to Bossy’s daughter.
Oh no! Ohnoohnoohnoohno!!
Your daughter has all my thoughts and then some. Maybe even some prayers too. Yes, definitely prayers.
No words can express how horrible this experience must be for your daughter, for you, and for your entire family. My thoughts are with you.
I’m not a praying man but I will most definitely pray for you daughter.
How awful! I hope that horrible dog has been put to sleep. Should not have a chance to hurt another child ever again.
Also, I wanted to point out that homeowner’s (or renters) insurance on the property owner should cover all your medical bills.
I would not hesitate to have a re-check done ASAP by the best board certified plastic surgeon that you can find.
Good luck.
I’ve already commented but I thought I would add something. Maybe it will ease her mind a little. Of course we pray the graft takes, she will be a beautiful girl regardless. Okay, I’ll get to the point. When I was four I fell from the top of one of those super tall slides they have a parks. Messed up my mouth pretty bad. I had to have many stitches inside and out. You can see in my childhood pictures that it looked like a had a fat lip but now at age 30 people don’t even notice. Everyday the scars will get smaller and smaller.
Okay, I’ll shut up now.
Prayers said. Poor babe. I can’t imagine how sick Bossy must be over this.
Oh, that is terrible! Thinking a good thought for you all.
I am so sorry. I hope the owners are held responsible.
OMG! A piece right out and you retrieved it?! The horror!
Well, she’s a beautiful girl, it would take a Hell of a lot worse to make her any lees than gorgeous. Good wishes and I hope she’s feeling OK.
omgoodness, that is horrible. my hugs and thoughts are going to you and your daughter!
That’s terrible! I hope she recovers quickly. She sounds like a sweetheart.
Wishing your daughter a speedy recovery – and some rest for all of you.
Oh bossy! I am just horrified – no wonder you weren’t posting bright and early.
All my warmest thoughts and wishes to your whole family, and especially to your sweet little girl. It just doesn’t seem fair, to be injured in the line of good samaritan duty. Oh sweetie – I’m thinking of you all, and praying for the best.
Hang in there.
My hair stood up on my neck and tears came to my eyes…what a horrible thing to happen. Of course I will hope that her smile will be even more lovely than before and that the dog meets its maker; and may both of these events take place quickly.
In case you felt a little air kiss a couple of hours ago, it was RC kissing it to make it better, when I told him we were ‘God Bless-ing’ Bossy’s daughter.
Bossy, so so sorry to hear this – sending lots of good thoughts to you, your daughter and your family, and to the people with the dog – I hope they do the right thing.
Holy moly.
I hope that the graft takes and, in the meantime, if you need anyone to rip the dog’s lips off, I am available.
Healing thoughts and prayers for everyone, Kiss her on her ear from us all! (then her nose, and eye brow and under the chin…..)
Oh Bossy! I am so sorry and you guys are in our thoughts! It’s good weather for snuggling and recooperating, positive thoughts for you…
I am so sorry. Bossy’s daughter keep positive.
Bossy, I don’t usually comment and I just started reading a few months ago, but I had to now. My thoughts (whatever these may do) are with you and your family.
As for the dog, this is something that should definitely put it on the put to sleep list. Animal lovers will also agree on this (I am one, and a friend who is a vet will conquer.)
Again I am so sorry.
I can still see the smile in her beautiful eyes–and I bet her new smile will be even more captivating than the one before. My thoughts are with you and your family.
Thank goodness you were such a quick thinker.
Okay. I am thinking really bad words right now. When my daughter was 12, she sent her ATV through a barbed wire fence, ripping her lovely face apart. Okay, I can hardly even type this without crying. Anyway, I know exactly how you feel right now, and that sleepless night you just spent is burned my my memory as well as you look at your baby all messed up…Audrey is 14, in high school, and fine. Her graphs took, her scars healed. They are still there. They make her unique and strong. They kick the shit out of me, however. I am sending you vibes like crazy and hope to hear good news from you soon. Try to get some rest.
Wow, I’m sorry she had to go through this!
Your daughter (and the graft) will be in my prayers.
You’ve got more than an extra spot of my thoughts! My daughter is 10 and would have done the exact same thing. How absouletly mind boggling frightening! I’m stiil teary eyed and trembling just thinking about this.
So sorry to hear of your daughter’s attack, Bossy!!
I gotta throw in my two cents about the dog being taken care of, but where was the bus driver? Our drivers have to take the smaller kids BACK to the school or to the dispatch office if the parents or caregivers or whoever isn’t there to meet them…not that this would be their fault, I am just surprised that they would let a first grader wander off of the bus.
Prayers of calm hearts and speedy recovery for your family.
Oh my God! That is so awful. I can’t imagine how much pain your daughter (and you) must be in. My thoughts are with you two and I’ll keep my fingers crossed that her beautiful smile returns – she really does look like the sweetest kid.
Oh. My. God. You have made me cry here at my desk and I’m thankful my interns have gone home for the day or I would look like a crazy boss. Your poor, poor baby.
I’m not sure if I’ve ever commented, but I’ve been reading for a while and have grown quite fond of your family. You’ll all be in my thoughts.
That’s just lousy. I’ll be wishing the best for all of you.
Have read your blog for months and love it. Delurking to say how sorry I am that this happened to your daughter. I hope her smile returns to be as beautiful as it was before this happened. Hopefully she’ll still remain as sweet and wonderful as she already is inside. Am sending good thoughts and warm wishes your way.
I am so so sorry. You’re all in my thoughts.
Yesterday I cried with joy for Bossy’s son. Today I cried in sorrow for Bossy’s sweet daughter.
Lots of love to you all.
I am holding your daughter (and you) in my circle of healing energy. My deepest prayers go out to you.
I am so sorry. Your daughter and family are in my prayers. Hope all becomes well soon.
Haven’t commented here before, but I just want to send the best of wishes from Philly, Bossy.
Ack, Bossy. We’re rooting for Bossy Lite down here in ATL.
I’m sitting here at work stunned with tears in my eyes ! I don’t even know what to say!
I am heartbroken for your daughter, Bossy–for all of you. How completely tragic and unfair. Especially when she was doing something so GOOD!!!
Many hugs, prayers and warm wishes to all of you.
I’ll try to have more positive wishes, thoughts and prayers for your precious baby than I have bad thoughts for that awful dog, but I can’t guarantee anything…hugs for you too mama
I am soo sorry about your beautiful angel’s smile. My thoughts and prayers go out to you and your family. Best wishes for a speedy and complete recovery!
Bossy, I am so sorry this happened. I will keep your family in my thoughts. She has youth on her side~
Why anyone would continue to keep a dog with a history of aggressive and violent behavior towards people -especially when they have a child in the house! – is beyond me. That dog should be put to sleep. And you know what an animal lover I am.
Sending prayers up for your daughter. How horrible! I am so so sorry Bossy.
oh my god, bossy. my stomach kept dropping further and further while i read this. your poor, sweet, brave little girl. you have far, far more than a corner of my mind. let her know the power of the internets is out here rooting for her speedy and safe recovery.
Oh gosh Bossy, I’m so sorry for your sweet girl. She’ll be in my thoughts, and as someone said, she has youth on her side.
It’s weird to read something like this and not be able to reach out and hug you. Blogging is so strange like that. It’s like you’re family, you’re this beautiful family in our community and it is so awful when anything bad happens to part of your family. So many prayers little Bossy is in today. This is where the power in numbers comes in me thinks. Much love dear. This too shall pass.
Bossy, I am so sorry! Your daughter and your family are in my thoughts and prayers.
GASP! Oh, bossy I am so very sorry to hear this bad news. She was doing such a sweet and responsible thing, and this has to be the result, it’s just horrible! Keep us posted, she’s in my whole family’s prayers.
Oh Bossy. I am so so sorry. I will keep her in my thoughts.
oh shit! Oh Bossy! I will certainly be thinking of her and you.
OMG for the first time ever Bossy made me cry! I want to kill this dog! I hope they have quarantined it or something.
Oh my god, this is so horrible! I will be thinking happy thoughts for you and your daughter. Please tell me that their family is paying for everything, b/c they should…and then some.
She is beautiful. But most importantly, she is young, strong and resiliant. You have our prayers.
I just walked around my house cussing and wanting to throw stuff. That must be my first stage of grief. I love my dog A LOT, but if she ever bit someone passive…a sweet, innocent kid…I’d shoot her myself.
This is awful. I’m so sorry. I hope your daughter gets a perfectly healed lip for Christmas. Her smile is worth it.
And the dog – it should be locked up.
Oh god bossy, how horrifying. Fuck. Your angel is in my thoughts.
Oh my goodness that is terrible! Your daughter is in my thoughts and I hope she has a swift recovery. I also hope the owners of the dog are paying for the medical bills!
Eeek! So hard to believe! Poor bossy’s daughter! I’m so sorry that she is having to go through this horribleness. The only good part is that she has you–and the rest of your awesome family–to help her through this. Sending good thoughts your way.
Large corner of my brain for healing thoughts and prayers.
I am so sorry this happened. I am sending positive vibes your way.
{{{{HUGS, Daisy}}}}
How horrific. You have my thoughts, wishes, warmth, prayers, good chi… etc.
OMG…sending good vibes and thoughts your way.
My families thoughts and prayers are with you and yours.Healing wishes are being sent to your angel.
OMG…sending good vibes and thoughts your way.
Oh no! What a tragedy. I’ll be praying for you all. {{hugs}}
well wishes for a return of smiles to Bossy and Bossy’s daughter.
Wow! I hope it takes.
We are pushing tons of good thoughts and wishes your way… (could you please email me you mailing address
She will always be beautiful, regardless. Our smiles come from the inside.
Gas the dog. For the sake of the that little girl who has to share her home with it.
oh my god, sister. NO. how scary. how awful. how unfriendly of that damn dog.
i am glad she’s ok. is there anything we can do to cheer her up? or you?
Prayers for you from GA
I am at a loss for words and will simply say this. I am praying and praying… God speed Bossy’s daughter….. and little pain…
I am so heartbroken for both of you.
I’ll be praying like crazy for you both.
That dog’s days are numbered.
Sending so much love to you!!!!!!!!!!!
Oh… just oh. I’m so sorry. Hang in there and try to get some sleep.
(Dunno if you were reading me back when we were in a bad collision. My daughter’s forehead was ripped open and she took 20 stitches — I was sure she would never look normal again. Little kids heal better than we do, you know. Today (two years later) you can barely see the scar.)
what a horrible thing to have to go through for trying to do something nice, and during the holidays no less.
i’m not much of a praying kinda guy but i do believe in positive energy flow. so to your sweet baby girl i’m sending all the best.
be well and take care!
Oh, my god. I’m so sorry. Keeping good thoughts for you.
Stupid fucking dog.
We are also thinking good thoughts and sending them in your direction. Fingers crossed for Bossy’s Daughter. PS: Bossy’s Son sounds as if he was pretty awesome – what a great big brother!
this is horrible. i hope you and your sweet girl will be ok.
Oh my God, that is so awful, I don’t even know where to start. I hope she’s doing OK.
Bossy, I am so sorry. That is just awful. We will be thinking of your beautiful daughter and hoping for success.
I’m so, so sorry. How awful and scary that must be. Sending many get well thoughts your way.
Bossy, I am so sorry. I will say a prayer for your kind, sweet, giving, beautiful daughter tonight. Please keep us posted as to what’s happening.
Sorry to hear about this. Your daughter is in my thoughts. Things will get better
No words, there are no words. Hang on to each other, Bossy and Sweetie. Hugs.
It’s unbelievable how irresponsible some people are with their pets — and their kids! Just thinking about it makes me feel sick to my stomach. I hope your daughter gets well soon, soon, soon! (Also, I hope someone called child protective services about the little girl she was helping — sounds like that poor kid isn’t in a safe situation.)
Good grafting thoughts coming your way. I am so sorry and I only wish I had the power to do more.
Wow Bossy! I’m delurking (was at Ree’s blog and realized I hadn’t seen you there lately) to let you know that I am praying healing for you and your daugher here from the City of Angels!
You have a larger corner. A very, very large corner.
Sending you white light and good thoughts and whatever else is needed right now.
Oh god. My worst nightmare as a child. Visceral reaction in progress over here.
Many many thoughts coming your daughter’s way.
Thoughts and prayers are heading your way Bossy!!!!
Oh my God.
Needless to say my prayers are with you all…
Best wishes for a speedy recovery to your daughter. Much love to all of you.
Oh my god. Bossy, oh my god. I’ll be thinking of her and hoping that the graft takes. She’s a beautiful sweet girl and she doesn’t deserve something like this.
I can’t wish the dog ill because we all know it’s about the owners. (Sounds like they’re super responsible parents too.) And I’m having a hard time not hoping that there’s a small corner of hell reserved for them.
Oh my goodness!
Please, when all is better, and I hope it will be, report the dog. Do not let the dog do that to anyone else.
Best wished and lots of hugs.
I am so sorry to hear this. Saying extra prayers for her smile.
I’ve never been here before but I think we comment on a few of the same sites – I’m horrified and terrified for youand your sweet girl. Please know we’re thinking about her and hoping she has the fastest, smoothest recovery ever.
she’s fabulously beautiful. i am praying.
our best thoughts to both of you – keep healing (daughter) and worrying (Bossy) and it will all work out.
Kids are amazingly resilient.
My prayers are added to your list.
Your daughter has every bit of good will I’ve ever possessed and then some. I won’t stop wishing her well until I learn she has recovered her beauty, her joy, and the boundless potential for lifelong happines that’s her birthright. For what it’s worth, I’m directing all my fondest hopes and dreams to her recovery, body and mind.
Oh my, I’m so, so sorry! She tries to do something nice and gets rewarded by a dog bite. I hope those people seriously consider finding a home away from children for that evil dog, or just having it put down.
Your beautiful daughter is in my thoughts, and I hope for a quick and successful healing.
How upsetting. I’m praying for a speedy recovery.
~~~~~~~~~~~Big Tears of Sadness~~~~~~~~~~~~
So sorry… I’ve tried several times to find some reassuring words to type, but just couldn’t find anything powerful enough…
Many best wishes and prayers for a full recovery for her, both in her soul and body!
My thoughts are with you guys. I hope she heals quickly!
Oh, Bossy, I can’t even imagine how horrible that was, and is.
Dory is already praying for a swift, beautifully scar-free recovery.
A candle is lit and prayers are being said in Florida.
Oh Bossy! How awful! Surely a smile so nice can’t be lost forever! I have dedicated an entire upstairs wing to nothing but good healing thoughts for Daisy’s Daughter.
Good thoughts and vibes for the little Cuter from the East Coast.
A few for you, too Ms. Bossy. She’s going to be as perfect as always.
OMG- Your daughter is an exquisite beauty and I hope she recovers soon, physically and emotionally. Poor baby. I hope they did something with the dog…that should never be allowed to happen to another child.
Awwww, I’m so sorry
Sending prayers for your daughter.
I’m so sorry your daughter’s good deed turned so ugly for her! She is such a sweetie! Nothing worse than an innocent child having to bear such pain and suffering. My thoughts and prayers are with all of you. I hope everything goes well for her recovery.
I’m so sorry to hear this happened. I’m praying that the graft takes and your daughter recovers quickly. Also praying that you and your family are given strength and courage to get through this difficult time.
Oh my God, honey. Mrs. Fab’s and my thoughts are with you and your daughter…
OMG, my thoughts are with you and your family…so sorry.
OMG, my thoughts are with you and your family…so sorry.
My very best wishes and crossed fingers that everything goes perfect for your daughter! I am so very sorry.
I’ll have to try this again.
My very best wishes and crossed fingers that it goes well for your daughter. I am so very sorry!
My family is praying for yours with all our hearts. I know God will send guardian angels to watch over your sweet little girl.
This is so incredibly awful. Awful, awful. I’m sending good, postive thoughts of healing — for her face and her sweet heart.
Oh Bossy that is horrible for your little girl. I’ll keep her in my thoughts/prayers. Fingers and toes crossed on that graft. Poor baby.
Dear Bossy,
My prayers, songs and thoughts are turned WAY UP for you and your sweet daughter.
I, too, was bitten in the face by a dog. I was 16, and my mom had her wits about her enought to make sure a good plastic surgeon sewed me up.
If you haven’t already…seek out the best plastic surgeon in your area for an immediate consult.
P.S. I have no visible scars today.
Delurking to say that Little Bossy is in my thoughts. I am so sorry to hear that such an awful thing could happen to such a sweet girl. I hope she recovers quickly and that the next few days go smoothly.
Sending good thoughts and prayers your way. I am so sorry.
So, so sorry to hear of your daughter’s terrible injury. I’ll be praying for health and healing for your girly, and for strength and calm for your family.
Oh no! You’re poor, sweet baby! And you. And the rest of your family. And the other family as well (they must feel just awful!)
Of course prayers will go up for your girl from my corner of the world too.
Of course. I have a big corner of love for your dear girl. I am envisioning all the best for your family and for her complete recovery.
I know that saying “no good deed goes unpunished” is supposed to be cute, but I hate that people said it here. My belief is that we do good because we want to make the world a good place, not because we want to get good karma.
You’ll probably never have time to even read all of these 250 (and counting)comments, but, Bossy, my heart hurts for your little girl, and you. I kinda feel like I kinda actually know you and that this happened to one of my friends.
Best wishes to all of you, and a speedy recovery to your daughter!
Sending many, many healing thoughts for the complete recovery of the sweet smile of Bossy’s daughter.
Wishing you all well and hoping your daughter recovers fully and completely!
I have always believed that dog owners are second only to smokers in their willingness to inflict the consequences of their ill found choices on innocent bystanders (with apologies to any smokers reading this). We had a vicious dog living next door to us for several years. The family insisted on keeping it, knowing that it hated children, in a neighborhood literally crawling with children. Somehow they were able to justify it to themselves, but I’ll never understand that sort of logic. I’m so sorry that your daughter became a victim of an idiot deluding herself into thinking that sort of dog belongs in your neighborhood. I’ll hope she heals quickly and completely.
So, so sorry. How terrifying for both of you.
So sorry, too, for that little girl, living with a monster dog. It must have been wonderful for the girl that Bossy’s daughter kindly took care of her — probably the best thing that had happened to her in a long time. As another commenter said, stupid fucking dog. Stupid fooking owners.
Bossy, I am in awe of your ability to keep your head in an awful situation. You both are good people. Sending many wishes for a full and speedy recovery.
I’m a regular at your blog, commenting for the first time. I feel for your little sunshine. I’m sure she will get her gorgeous smile back. With the suport and prayers you’ve got on your side, let the strength be with you(and her). Loads of love to your family, especially to the cutie pie.
Love your blog
HFS! I am SO sorry this has happened to your sweet daughter. I will hold her close to my heart and put my intentions out to the Universe for her complete recovery. And hugs to you all.
I am so sorry, and you are in my thoughts. She is beautiful and will always remain that way. I absolutely love your blog.
Oh BOSSY- this is so terrible. I am so sorry.
My heart hurts to hear of this terrible time in your lives. My daughter is Angel’s age and I was so upset when I heard of this injury. Our daughters are our precious gifts and we always want to protect them from all the crud that the world tries to throw their way. May only good fortune, blessings, and healing come your way this holiday season.
My thoughts are with you — I am sending healing vibes to your beautiful daughter.
Got here via Pinko’s. This is awful awful. I can’t imagine it. Get well soon BOSSY Jr.
This is HORRIBLE! I’m so sorry for your baby girl.
Holy Crap! What horrifying news!
Sending healing thoughts and best wishes from the Left Coast. Just in case, I’ll cross all my bendy parts for a speedy recovery and perfect healing of Lil’ Bossy’s graft.
Tears are rolling down my cheeks-this is such shocking and heartbreaking news. I know from raising my own 2 kids how fragile life is and how things can change in a heartbeat. My daughter was in a terrible auto accident 4 years ago. Her head and face shattered the windshield–she looked like she had been put through a meat grinder.It was a long recovery-but today-except for a small scar above her eye-she’s perfect. The body’s ability to heal, especially in young people, is nothing short of amazing! I will light a candle and send out positive thoughts and prayers for your daughter’s healing.
My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family — looking forward to hearing good news next week about the graft…
Sending good thoughts to Bossy’s family. Lots and lots of good, positive, healing thoughts.
Sending postive vibes! Your smile will come back Bossy’s daughter.
Oh no! I’m so sorry to hear this. I hope that she is feeling better soon, and that her recovery is full and swift! And also that something is done about that dog.
Dearest Bossy and Baby girl,
How terrible and awful. I am so sorry this has happened. I kept gasping throughout your post…Oh my.
My thoughts and prayers are with you, and the the graft heals beautifully, and that the smile that your daughter has will smile again and again and again…
I hope the scar of this awful memory does not in anyway discourage her from being the generous loving person that she is.
My heart is with you.
This is so awful. What a shock.
All best thoughts for your lovely daughter.
I am praying for your daughter and you. What a nightmare.
This just about broke my heart. I am so sorry. You are all in my thoughts and prayers (such as they are), and I will be anxiously awaiting news of a swift recovery.
(I may be a little bit refusing to accept that any thing other than that might happen.)
Oh bossy…I’m so sorry! Wish we all could do something about it. I’ve always been around dogs, even vicious ones. The difference is that the those vicious dogs are usually under control, not running around free in the house or the neighbourhood. I’m so angry about this incident! When she was being an angel too!
Angels will get what angels need…she will have her smile back soon! Young cells regenerates fast.
Ok, maybe cell is not the word but whatever that regenerates. I’m biology-ignorant.
It’ll be alright!
Oh, poor Bossy’s daughter! I am so sorry to hear about this!
Sending hugs and good thoughts for a speedy recovery!
Dear Bossy, I am horrified and so, so sorry. Your little girl is definitely in my prayers.
My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. You have amazing children..a daughter wrapped in an angel and a son who stands by to hold her hand when the chips are down.
I pray with the wonders of modern medicine that there will be no scar, but should there be one, don’t let it remind you all of the traumatic dog attack, let it remind you that you daughter helped a little girl get home, that’s what she’s made of.
I can’t put into words how upset this makes me – as a former dog owner, people must be responsible for their dogs behavior.
I know at this point, you probably aren’t reading comments, but know that the blogosphere is sending much energy your familys way.
Prayers, thoughts, a tear.
Many thoughts sent to you and your daughter. We have a neighbor whose dog bit him on his upper lip- it required 17 stitches. He kept the dog. I have a year old baby, and there are 5 other kids in the neighborhood under 13. I just don’t understand why people keep vicious dogs. Send love and Jello to little one.
I can’t say anymore than the other hundreds of people that posted above me..everything surrounding this just isn’t fair..I hope you can feel all the thoughts and prayers and that they are an added strength for you and the entire family.
My prayers are with your family.
I am SO so sorry. Words can’t express that enough.
My thoughts and prayers and love are with your family, especially your beautiful, sweet daughter, who will always be lovely.
Many hopes for a speedy and full recovery!
I set aside space in my thoughts for as long as you need them. Take your time.
prayers from Ohio
right now.
take care of you all
In the midst of the Sadness and Madness you are enduring are glimmers of hope and chards of the miraculous, as impossible as that may seem to you. What a wonderful example your daughter sets for so many other young people by being selflessly responsible and helpful to someone in need. Regarding the miraculous, imagine how many disastrous, unthinkable ways this story could have ended with just the slightest, smallest change in details, not the least of which is you having the presence of mind to look for and retrieve that section that needed to be grafted. How many of us, in the heat of the moment, with the horrors of screaming, blood, and God knows what else going on, might just snatch our precious child up and race to the nearest hospital?
Be strong and have faith. Love, love, love that precious child and know that you have an army of fans cheering you both on.
Big hugs to keep everyone warm and safe.
Healing thoughts flowing into the universe for your lovely angel.
Keep taking good care of one another.
(Kudos for thinking and acting to save the piece that I certainly expect will be a successful graft.)
Lots of good thoughts for your daughter from DC. So very, very sorry this happened to your sweet girl.
Oh my god. I’ll throw out all of the other useless thoughts in my brain and make LOTS of room for you and your daughter.
Lots of thoughts and prayers from down her in Austin.
I came from, and I am just so sorry this has happened to your little girl. My prayers are with you.
Oh, my, I am so terribly sorry! I wish your dear daughter all the best.
Dear Lord . . . praying for your angel girl and the entire family. I know she will never forget her brother’s kindness during this ordeal.
Praying for swift healing and grafting.
Oh Angel Daughter of Bossy! And sweet Son of Bossy for holding her hand!
Here is the biggest successful grafting thought I can send:
{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{beautiful smile}}}}}}}}}}}}}
Oh Angel Daughter of Bossy! And sweet Son of Bossy for holding her hand!
Here is the biggest successful grafting thought I can send:
{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{beautiful smile}}}}}}}}}}}}}
Oh God. I am so sorry.
My thoughts (big chunks of thoughts) and prayers – nice liberal nondenominational prayers – are with you and your daughter.
Delurking to say I will say a prayer for your daughter – thinking good thoughts as well.
How horrific for you all. Poor Bossy’s daughter. Poor Bossy! The line “finding the missing part of her lip” just about floored me. I can only imagine, but kudos to Bossy for having the foresight to think that one up.
Sending only the warmest of thoughts your way.
Oh my God. All my thoughts are with you.
I am so so sorry to hear this…what a sweet girl and so undeserving of such bad luck…my thoughts are with you and your family.
I hope she is feeling better today Bossy girl.
Thoughts & prayers are on the way…
appalling and horrifying.
I can’t find the words.
You and your family stay strong. Thoughts of well-being coming at you from Milwaukee.
Your daughter is absolutely beautiful… and I know she always will be. My prayers are with her and you and the rest of your family!
this is so senseless and tragic. an angel like yours should never suffer something like this. its so tempting to hurl the most vile heapings of poo on the irresponsible dog owners but thats not going to help.
what will help is all the positive and hopeful thoughts that that bossy community will be sending out there. it WILL be okay and she’ll have her smile back soon.
have faith and be strong for that lil darling girl. she really is a vision of sweetenss and innocense. and hopefully there are people there for you too to help keep you strong. be sure to let her know about all the internet love that is coming her way.
I hope Bossy’s daughter heals up wonderfully with just a tiny scar that makes all of the boys weak-kneed.
And I hope Bossy never has to go through something like that again with either of her gorgeous children.
I am sending healing energy your way Bossy’s daughter to help heal your beautiful smile as well as your heart.
Smiling is infectious,
you catch it like the flu.
When someone smiled at me today
I started smiling too.
I passed around the corner,
and someone saw my grin.
When he smiled I realized,
I’d passed it on to him.
I thought about that smile,
then I realized its worth.
A single smile just like mine,
could travel round the earth.
So, if you feel a smile begin,
don’t leave it undetected.
Let’s start an epidemic quick,
and get the world infected!
My heart breaks and hurts for you. Christmas is a time of miracles, and I will pray for God’s healing!!! XOXOXOX – MM
So sorry, your family, and especially your daughter are in my thoughts and prayers. I hope that the family with the dog is acting appropriately and taking responsibility. Your daughter sounds so brave, please let her know about all the positivity that is swirling from the internet in her direction!
I am so sorry!!!
Please tell her that there are many bloggers out there pulling for her quick recovery.
I have more than a small corner in my mind for this. I am so sorry.
Holy cow, 312 comments and Bossy’s daughter is deserving of them all! Thinking good sweet thoughts for such a sweet girl!
How scary and stressful, and totally unfair!
Your daughter and the rest of your family will be in my thoughts and prayers.
I’m sending all my best wishes for your beautiful daughter’s rapid and full recovery from St.Paul-de-Vence in the south of France.
Oh man, I’m so sorry that happened…that’s just horrible. We will be praying for you and your daughter.
I love you and I’m so sorry this happened to your beautiful little girl.
I don’t know what else to say…
Wow. I will pray that the graft works. What beautiful girl.
I’m so horrified for your family, Bossy. We’ll be sending our love and healing wishes your way.
Worst nightmare! I have a big corner in my thoughts for bossy’s daughter. I hope with all my heart that she is good as new.
This is officially the first blog ever to make me cry. Tears for you and yours bossy.
Prayin’ for a good graft. You’re daughter is absolutely beautiful– inside and out.
I was bit by a dog when I was 11. I have quite a pair of scars on my hand and a little nerve damage and I know I was lucky.
I wish you the very best, with all my heart.
OMG, I am so sorry! I will send many well wishes and good thoughts. What an awful thing to happen to your little girl! I am truly, truly sorry.
Oh, Bossy! Your poor baby girl! Your daughter and your whole family are in my thoughts (what a terrifying thing to have to go through – I’m so sorry.)
As I type this my 15-month-old daughter is also healing from a dog bite to her face. For a while, I wanted to cry every time I saw her scars, but this is how I made myself feel better, as silly as it is:
You know all those scenes in action movies where the heros/heroines show off their scars with pride? Those scars symbolize accomplishment for them, not failure. My wish for my daughter is that she lives a life in which she often takes risks, often exposes herself to scarring, in order to do the right thing. If she does that, then she will receive more scars than these ones currently healing (quite well, I might add) on her face. But better those scars than a life of inaction. Your daughter was doing something so good and sweet, and she got hurt for it. But I am so impressed by her character…she is the sort of person who will end up with scars…the kind she can show off with pride.
You are in my thoughts, Bossy and Bossy’s daughter :). I pray all will be well.
My thoughts and prayers are with you and wish I could transfer and multiply the kindness and character your daughter displayed to everyone in the world, and then channel that into healing energy.
Thoughts and prayers for your pretty daughter!
I am so sorry to hear of this horrible accident. My prayers and best wishes to you and your daughter.
All of my thoughts and hopes go to your daughter, Bossy. No matter what happens, your daughter’s smile will always be beautiful because that’s the person she is. No viscous beast can take that away.
Please add my thoughts and prayers to all the others here. I wish there was more that I could do to help you and her through this. I hope it helps in some small way to see how many “strangers” out there care about you and your family.
I wish you were kidding, too! Good thoughts to all of you.
You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers.
All my prayers and healing thoughts to you and your beautiful angel.
I am a dog lover, but I hope that monster is destroyed!
Take care of yourselves and our thoughts and prayers are with you.
Bossy, you don’t know me from Bob over here, but I couldn’t read this and just say nothing. I want you to know you have my deepest and strongest best wishes for your girl’s healing. This shouldn’t happen to anybody, let alone a sweet girl like yours.
Oh my God, Bossy. You are in my thoughts and prayers and whatever else I can muster up.
Oh my goodness! That is so so horrible. You and yours will be in my thoughts and prayers.
I’m so sorry for Bossy and family! They will certainly be in my thoughts and prayers, but I know how this will all turn out. Bossy’s daughter will heal (because she is young and sweet and forgiving) and she’ll end up only having a small scar on her lip…just enough of one to give her an interesting story to tell when she grows up.
So rest easy Bossy and Bossy’s baby…all will be well.
I’m speechless. I’m am so sorry that something so terrible happened to your daughter. She is in my thoughts and prayers that the graft takes.
She is in my family’s prayers. I’m writing it down right now. Please keep us updated.
I was attacked by a dog at age 7 – he tore my forehead, my tearduct and above my eyebrow. I remember the most terrifying thing for me was going into surgery.
I’m praying for a full healing.
What happened to the dog?
I’m an animal lover, but DAMMIT. Animals like that need to be put down. They are a danger to themselves and obviously others.
What happened to the dog?
I’ll be praying for her.
No, Bossy…NO. Not her. Not her. Not her.
I do pray. And I’ll pray for healing and wholeness—and comfort—for that ridiculously precious little woman of yours.
And for you, too, my friend.
Oh, how horrific. My prayers are with you and your angel daughter.
Oh dear God in heaven Bossy, I am so sorry and I will say a prayer for your sweet little angel. You are amazing Bossy-I don’t even think I could be as dedicated to everything as you are. I hope you get an apology from the neighbors. Unbelievable!
Hello Bossy and Family,
I just read about your daughter’s experience on Ree’s blog, Pioneer Woman.
I came over here to express my sorrow that this happened to her when she was doing the right thing, and to let you know that I will keep your daughter in my prayers for a refuah shelemah, a complete healing, both in body and in spirit.
I have enjoyed your postings on Ree’s blog.
Be well, stay warm and safe, and take care, p.j.
oh bossy…oh oh oh bossy. my heart is breaking.
bossy’s whole family is in my prayers…and that dog is on my hit list
Sending a big ole Tennessee hug, wrapped up in prayers for your precious daughter and the entire family….
Sending a big ole Tennessee hug, wrapped up in prayers for your precious daughter and the entire family….
Oh, wow, how horrible! My thoughts are with your daughter. I hope she makes a swift and full recovery.
Oh Bossy! hugs, kisses and prayers for you.
Oh Bossy–I came here from Ree’s blog. I am brokenhearted to read about this. Many prayers and cyber {{{hugs}}} to your whole family. I am praying for miraculous healing for her–physically and emotionally.
p.s. i know life is hectic and you are oh so disctracted, but if you get a minute, please email me bossy’s address so i can send bossy junior a get well card
Oh Bossy, I am so sorry! I pray your daughter heals quickly and fully. I hope someone has that dog put away so he can’t harm anyone else.
I was just stressing about all the stuff that has to be done and I come here and read about your poor baby and it puts everything back into prespective.
Take care of each other and know many are praying!
that’s FOOKING horrible. I hope you plan on suing the nasty old lady and putting her nasty dog TO SLEEP!!
i am so very sorry for bossy and bossy’s daughther. :o(
I am so sorry! (many pithy deletes and 1/2 hour later.) She is, and always will be, beautiful. What a great heart in a heroine! The eating, smiling, talking will (I mean WILL) come- I don’t pray….. (another delete)
From our family to yours – Love, T
Praying for strength for you all, and the little cells that hold on. All my sympathy.
OH MY! Prayers are sent up and best wishes are sent over and what a brave girl you both are!
Oh Bossy, I’m so sorry. My thoughts and prayers go out for your little Angel.
Wow. I know this is well-wisher #24789, but I wish BossyDaughter a full and lightning-fast recovery. Know that all will be well!
You are an awesome mom and I’m sure your daughter is in good hands.
Take care,
My heart is in my throat. I’m so sorry, Bossy, and Bossy’s beautiful daughter. You are all in my thoughts. Hang in there. xo
Prayers going up for you, your beautiful daughter and family.
I am so sorry for this tragedy. I’m praying for physical healing of your daughter as well as emotional strength for all of you. Blessings to you.
I’m so sorry! I cannot imagine. Sending positive thoughts from Mississippi.
She is so beautiful! You both are in my thoughts.
Horrific, Bossy! Our thoughts and prayers are with you all.
My thoughts are with you at this time. Medicine has made some amazing strides, I hope that everything goes well in the treatment/recovery.
“You know that saying, bad things don’t happen to good people?. That’s a lie.”- Tori Amos
“When I stand before thee at the day’s end, thou shalt see my scars and know that I had my wounds and also my healing.”
Rabindranath Tagore quote (Indian Poet, Playwright and Essayist)
My step daughter got bit by a dog in the face when she was 4 and I also got attacked by a dog, bites on my face neck arms back, etc…
We both healed beautifully – no obvious scars – and I’m 37 – before then grafted, just stitched.
But the scars made me stronger. Those were just my first in my many years. They make me who I am.
Little bossy – be strong and don’t fret too much. What you did was kind and good and sweet and what most people wouldn’t do. You will come out stronger and even more beautiful then ever!
My heart goes out to you and your daughter both. May she have the absolute fastest, smoothest recovery possible. Such a nice thing she was doing. She is a beautiful girl and always will be.
Oh and please – don’t blame the dog. The blame rests solely on the owners and the guardians of the dog.
You can’t blame the breed for the deeds of the people who allowed him to become what he is. It is amazing how stupid some people can be. But if he is indeed a problem and a menace – and if what needs to be done is putting the dog down then it should be done. But while they are at it – put down the owners too. They deserve it more.
Get well soon, little Sunny Sunshine!
Keeping fingers and everything else crossed that the graft takes.
Oh Bossy…I will hold you and your sweet daughter close in my heart and prayers. I will ask for your strength and for her healing. We should also pray for the family of the dog. They must be going through much sadness knowing the damage their dog caused.
May you feel comfort in the love being sent by so many.
Your daughter has my whole head and heart while I say a prayer for recovery. She will remain tucked there safely.
I am definitely sending out all the healing powers I can muster to your beautiful girl.
I’m so sorry, Bossy. What a sweet, beautiful child. I’ll be praying for her for sure.
I’m sorry to hear this and really wish is had been a joke.
I’ll send healing thoughts your way.
Oh, Bossy. I am so very sorry. Please give your girl yet another extra hug from all six of us in the Den (that’s a lotta hugs!).
We’ll be thinking and praying and hoping and otherwise pestering God about her.
that is so terrible. i have always been afraid of dogs and now I know it isn’t just paranoia. i hope your daughter and the rest of you can make it through the next couple of days.
She will be on my mind a LOT the next few weeks. I’ll send all the good thoughts and prayers I can to her (and her mother. Oh, god, it hurts to be a mother sometimes.)
HFS! OMG! I am so sorry this happened Bossy and Bossy daughter. I am so glad you went and retrieved the piece!!!! I will pray for you and your family. I am so sorry this happened to her.
You and your daughter are definitely in our thoughts and prayers and don’t lose faith; be as positive as you can that you will get through this and she will be okay. She will need that reassurance.
When I was little I watched a golden retreiver rip a piece of my sister’s face off (ironically she was 11 too) and almost tore out her left eye. We were completely alone in our house (with the dog) when it happened. It was terrifying. My parents were out to dinner. It took hours before they got my sister into treatment. They did amazing work and her scar is hardley noticeable. At the time it seemed like she would always look deformed but it literally only took a few months to get her face back in shape. Like I said, today no one even notices it!
It’s true, like a couple people above said, we live a country of great plastic surgeons, they will get her smile back!
Oh Bossy! I’m so terribly sorry.
I’m thinking of you both and sending you healing thoughts.
Oh damn, what an awful thing. So sorry to hear about this.
She sounds so brave! Wishing the best to her (and you) and hope for speedy healing and a perfect recovery.
I’ve got more than a small corner of my heart and prayers to devote to your poor daughter, and to you. It sounds absolutely awful. I hope she pulls through it majestically.
Oh my God Bossy. Sending prayers and good thoughts and positive energy and Christmas spirit and anything else I can think of. Hugs to you and your beautiful girl.
Sending happy thoughts and well wishes your way.
OMGoodness! I am so sad to hear this news. I will keep both of you in my thoughts and prayers and hope that all goes well during this healing time. I agree whole heartedly.. her smile is beautiful as is she! Many hugs and blessings on you during this time
Bossy – I’m a lurker, but I just wanted to say that I’m thinking of you, keeping your daughter in my heart as I go about my day today. I hope all will be well, as soon as possible.
bossy, i’m so sorry to hear about your sunshine. my best friend was bitten on the lip by a dog around the same age and while it wasn’t completely removed from her face, she did have a wonderful plastic surgeon reattach the skin flap successfully. i’m thinking of you and your family. btw – pregnant people should really not read this stuff.
bossy, i’m so sorry to hear about your sunshine. my best friend was bitten on the lip by a dog around the same age and while it wasn’t completely removed from her face, she did have a wonderful plastic surgeon reattach the skin flap successfully. i’m thinking of you and your family. btw – pregnant people should really not read this stuff.
*GASP!* I pray and cross all my fingers and toes that the graft will take and your beautiful daughter will still have her beautiful smile. I was bitten by a guard dog when I was 6 and have a scar on my forehead to show for it.
May your daughter and your heart heal swiftly.
every thought and prayer i have, will have you and your daughter in them!
i don’t know you or your daughter, and here i am, crying for her.
she is a beautiful girl…she’ll always be a beautiful girl!
i’m sending hugs to both of you…
take care
Whoever said your child is your heart walking around outside your body was right. I can’t imagine what you are all going through, but my grandmother always told me that every trial is an opportunity for transformation. Maybe somehow, somewhere, something good will come from this awful time in your life. My family and I are praying for your sweet, beautiful girl.
Oh Sweet Lady you have brought such laughter to our home, please know that our prayers are there for your daughter. Straws work wonders when you have bad mouth problems, but I am sure that tidbit is already in the Bossy Book of Wisdom…
How unspeakably awful. I will DEFINITELY say a prayer for her. She WILL have her beautiful smile back. My heart goes out to you Bossy. Sending you and your daughter healing vibes.
Oh Ms Bossy–so sorry this has happened to your beautiful and gracious and helpful girl. Many good thoughts and prayers are coming to her and her momma.
What struck me right off the bat is that I can’t believe you were so brave to write this in your usual tone! Have faith the graft will take. Love and support goes a long way in the body healing itself. I WILL keep you, your daughter and your family in my prayers.
Tell your daughter that there’s a whole army of us out here praying and rooting for her.
oh my God…i don’t even know what to say. your beautiful daughter will be in my thoughts…i am sending quick-healing vibes…anything else i can think of to do, i will.
Oh my gosh Bossy. I am so very, very sorry for this. I can’t imagine having enough presence of mind to search for part of my child’s lip on another person’s porch.
I think I would have brought a gun to that woman’s house and shot the dog with it tho (and I’m a BIG animal lover.) Oh and I’d probably have pistol whipped grandma!(Good that we have no guns in our house, huh?)
My heart is with you, your little girl and the rest of your family. Am sending quick healing vibes and prayers that the graft will take.
Oh my gosh, that is so, so awful. I hope that the best case scenario happens, and everything grows back together quickly…so sorry.
My best wishes are with your lovely daughter and your family – I am sending you strength and hope for the upcoming weeks.
Sending my very best thoughts your way. I’s so sorry that your family is going through this.
Be brave. We are fortunate these days in that medicine has many answers.
My sympathies to all, because I know how hard it is to wait in situations like these.
All my prayers from France will go to your daughter ..I’m sending you my best thoughts and all my strenght for her and your family
I have been reading your blog like forever, and I am so sorry about your daughter. I will think about her often and pray all goes well for her…
Too horrific for words.
I’m praying for a complete graft take and for peace to come again to young hearts.
I am praying for you guys. I hope that it all works out well for your daughter. God Bless!
Prayers for you and your sweet girl, from Australia. Such an unimaginable shock. Hoping that healing happens and scarring is minimal (I have a small one myself on my upper lip from a dog bite when I was 11).
I came here from Tongue in Cheek’s blog. She said you needed prayers. I am stunned at how yours and your daughter’s lives have changed in a moment. One moment in time. I pray that she will be surrounded by healing angels of love. I pray that God’s healing light will infiltrate her whole being and she will be completely healed both physically and emotionally. And I pray that you will all be able to forgive. It will take a great big God for that one, but luckily for us, we have a great big huge God.
Praying here too…
Adding my words of concern and thoughts of hope. Tell you daughter there are (obviously) many of us out here thinking of her and that there is strength in numbers.
love & prayers for you & your family in this…corey sent her readers to you & like darla said, there is strength numbers. may God bless all of you
I’ve read you through “Tongue In Cheek” as well as “Oh The Joys”…amazing how blogs that have no idea about each other are connected.
I hope that the graft takes and that all will be well very soon.
I’m so sorry about this. I can’t imagine the worry you have and the worry and pain your daughter is enduring.
There is nothing stronger than the determination of a loving mother to help her child get the very best that she needs. You will be given the strength to do this. Look for it. It will not always be in you, but perhaps in someone else who is there for you.
I am certain that your daughter will be blessed with the best of care, the best of doctors and the very best of thoughts, wishes and prayers for her recovery.
She will be in my prayers and those of my family.
tucking her in my prayersleeve –
This is why we do not allow any dogs near small children in our care – grandchildren at this point in our lives. DH has been in the claims business all his life and seen so many tragedies such as this where small children have been injured, especially facial bites. Not only stranger dogs, but trusted family pets, can be having a bad day and turn on anyone within their range if they feel the need to bite. When we see parents allowing their pets to be kissed by their children, even take food from their mouths, we cringe and are saddened they allow such dangerous practices.
This is not to scare readers but to make them aware.
Here is this beautiful child who has been damaged, not only physically but emotionally, and my heart goes out to her and you the family as you await the outcome of her surgery. She will be in our prayers each day and we send love to help her heal and regain that beautiful smile.
PLEASE………everyone keep your children away from dogs no matter how friendly or sweet they may be. It only takes an instant to injure your child. Hopefully this dog will be removed from the neighborhood immediately and put down – it must never be allowed to hurt anyone else.
What a horrific event; keep strong. There is not much more to say except your daughter will be prayed for.
Corey sent me your way .This is so shocking . I wish your beautiful daughter the best recovery ever , and even though I am atheist , as a mother I will keep your daughter in my heart and send her way the most brilliant precious healthy positive healing thoughts so that she can take as much as she needs of them .Hang tough , little beauty !
All the way from Brazil , with lots of love .
OHH that is terrible! You are in my thoughts and prayers!
I look at my own beloved big dog, and I try to imagine how awful it would be. Your readers are right. The dog needs to be put down.
Prayers for your family and your beautiful girl.
Oh, I am so sorry. This same thing happened to me when I was about 16 (that was over 30 years ago) … and it was by my own dog. Sending you loads of hugs and love, and prayers for a speedy, successful recovery.
Bossy, tell your girl that we’re all thinking of her and wishing her the very very best, from all over the world.
So so sorry to hear about your darling little angel. The waiting will be the hardest part! I am thinking good thoughts for you both and know in my heart of hearts that she will be just fine in the end!!
Lots of hugs and kisses to you both!!
Prayers of love and healing being sent your way!
here via Blackbird.
The good thing about internet comments is that you can actually ~see~ the prayers going heavenward.
Many hugs to Bossy-daughter, and stern virtual warnings to physicians to do better than their best with her.
And SO SMART Bossy, to find the important parts to take to the hospital. Epitome of a mama lion in action.
My heart goes out to you and your family. I will keep her in my prayers.
Our prayers are with your daughter.
So sorry to hear about your daughter. You, she and the family that own the dog are in my prayers. Good deeds are NOT punished as some might have us believe. Things happen. It’s called life, but the power of prayer is stronger than the things of this world.
My heartfelt prayers are with you family.
Miss Sandy
Dear Corey told us of your family emergency. My heart breaks for you and we will keep you in our prayers. Such a beautiful heart and smile and glorious child. Love works miracles and this is certainly the season to receive them.
Bossy’s daughter, I hope the sunshine is back in your smile very soon. I’m thinking about you.
My thoughts and prayers are with you all…
I am holding you in the light.
i’m on it. thoughts of the highest quality and some quaker/uccish prayers headed your way.
Corey also sent me over here. I am praying for you and for the strength to make it through all of this.
I am here via Say la Vee…and I am holding you in my thoughts and prayers. I believe in miracles, dear Lord, and this little girl deserves one.
I’ve been reading and rereading this over and over for the past hour and still can’t help feeling wanting to cry.
Best wishes for your little girl from Asia. She will be alright…. Definitely will.
(Here via Corey’s blog.)
Another visitor courtesy of Corey.
Aside from the physical damage, I’m sending thoughts of care your way in faith that your girl will heal from the emotional damage. She did a kind, good thing, and had an unusually awful encounter with a damaged (read poorly trained, possibly harmfully trained) animal.
Here’s hoping she sees and values her own beauty past the trauma done to her smile, and her own courage and goodness deepen despite the bad, crazy dog.
visiting via Corey….
Thoughts and prayers with you and yours …
All the way back from here to there: my prayers are with you. A big and tender hug for all of you.
(Also via Corey’s blog.)
I will say prayer for your little girl. I am here via PW. I am so sorry!
I will pray.
I am so sorry to hear this has happened to your little girl.
Praying for healing and comfort,
keeping you and your daughter in our prayers. I am so so sorry. xoxo
Oh, my, a nightmare. A dreadful horrible nightmare. I came here via Corey’s blog and my heart sinks as I read this. I have my own daughters and cannot imagine your pain. I have paused this moment to lift her up in my prayers and will remember her often, I promise.
I am so sorry and pray for God’s swift and complete healing for this precious little girl.
bb told me what happened and I am so sorry to hear about this tragedy. I’m sending warm hugs and prayers to you all.
I am here by way of Corey’s blog.
That a sweet and considerate act should result in this injury seems so unfair. It does say however what a beautiful young person she is, to be concerned for the child she helped.
I will keep Daisy in my thoughts and prayers,and send best wishes for a speedy recovery.
Big hugs
Oh my gosh, I am so sorry this has happened to your daughter. Of course I’ll be keeping her in my thoughts and prayers.
I am so sorry. Y’all are in my prayers.
My heart goes out to your daughter and family. I shall allow the thought of her beautiful face to more than linger in my thoughts and prayers. May her beautiful smile be beautiful once again.
Bless you, Bossy, and your daughter. They can do wonderful things with grafts and plastic surgery — she’ll be smiling again in no time.
Thinking of you and your family, holding your daughter in my heart.x
I am sending you and your daughter all of my sincere wishes and prayers that all goes well. My 11yr old son’s front permanent tooth was knocked out so I can imagine just a fraction of how this might feel for you. Your beautiful daughter will be beautiful no matter what but I hope her recovery is complete and as easy as possible.
God’s “everlasting arms of love are beneath, around, above… God it is who bears us on, His the arm we lean upon.” This is from a hymn we often sing in church. I will continue to pray for your dear one who deserves only good! hugs and blessings!!!
My heart leaped in my throat when reading this. This precious child sounds so very brave. Please know my prayers are with her and the rest of your family. God Bless!
Dear Little Daisy,
Our daughter Corey told us of your horrible meeting with a dog.
Everynight we say the rosary together. Daisy we will pray that a gentle and perfect healing comes to you, both to recover your sweet smile and to wipe away any sadness you might have in your heart.
Love Geroge and Dolores Amaro
This is just horrible. I am so sorry – My thoughts are with you all. I hope everything will work out well. Take care.
Oh Bossy –
I’m so sorry and will add a candle to my mantel for your beautiful daughter. I’ve come to you through Blackbird, who also directed me to Caleb Potter and his wondrous family – Prayers have helped there and I’m certain that they’ll help here, too.
You are in my heart.
Oh Bossy –
I’m so sorry and will add a candle to my mantel for your beautiful daughter. I’ve come to you through Blackbird, who also directed me to Caleb Potter and his wondrous family – Prayers have helped there and I’m certain that they’ll help here, too.
You are in my heart.
Yes, the dog was put down.
No, the owners aren’t bad people.
All you commenters and the loving thoughts you are sharing are amazing. Please keep it coming.
And for those who don’t know her, Bossy’s girl is one of the best kids you can imagine. Ever. In every way.
–A Neighbor
So terribly sorry to hear your brave daughter is having to endure all this. She – and you – are in my thoughts and prayers.
I’m so so sorry this has happened. Sending healing thoughts her way . . .
All thoughts, all love, all things beautiful to surround your sweet daughter and her smile and goodness and the heart of your family. All cells of her body, in graft and heart and soul, sing in vibration of wholeness and health.
Bossy, found you from Mr.Farty.
Thoughts are with you all,after a tragedy. Bless!
We miss her so much we were almost crying when we heard what happend. – B. and J.
I am so sorry – I will be keeping all of you in my prayers.
oh,dear. how terrifying that must have been…how worried you all must be. she is in my version of “prayers” whatever praying should mean. take care. take very good care.
oh,dear. how terrifying that must have been…how worried you all must be. she is in my version of “prayers” whatever praying should mean. take care. take very good care.
oh,dear. how terrifying that must have been…how worried you all must be. she is in my version of “prayers” whatever praying should mean. take care. take very good care.
We are so sorry for you. You are in our prayers! May you find healing and peace.
Poor, poor angel! My thoughts are with your beautiful daughter.
Yes, the dog was put down.
No, the owners aren’t bad people.
All you commenters and the loving thoughts you are sharing are amazing. Please keep it coming.
And for those who don’t know her, Bossy’s girl is one of the best kids you can imagine. Ever. In every way.
–A Neighbor
OMG! How awful. I’m keep you and your daughter in my thoughts and prayers. Plastic surgeons can do amazing things these days. My son was born with a cleft lip and now people who don’t know he was born with it can’t even tell. I pray you find a great doctor who can give your daughter her beautiful smile back too.
My heart is in my throat. Whatever pull I have with God, I’ll be using it to pray for your daughter’s well-being.
Oh, Bossy!
You are in my prayers!! I just left the hospital where my baby was treated for a brain hemorrage after falling. It is NOT easy being the parent of kids who are hurting. You have my sympathy. Thank God it was only her lip and she is here another day to learn how to smile again.xoxo
ZOMG, how terrible
Best wishes.
You can call the Plastic Surgery Information Service of the American Society of Plastic Surgeons. The toll free number is: 1-888-475-2784. Surgeons in their database are members of the Society, adhere to a strict code of ethics and are certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery. Ask for a pediatric surgeon specializing in craniofacial reconstruction due to trauma.
You and your daughter are in my prayers, I hope her beautiful smile will be completely restored and you and your family will have lots to smile about this Christmas.
You, your family, and your daughter have our thoughts and prayers! I am so sorry you all had to go through, and all because she was trying to help out, it’s not fair at all….
my thoughts are with you all
oh, bossy, I am so sorry. all my hopes and thoughts for the recovery of your beautiful girl’s beautiful smile. and I am not a mean or animal-hating person, but I sure as hell hope that dog is being put down.
Your daughter’s inner beauty is in tack. I join many who are praying with you that her doctors will be successful in restoring her lovely smile. You are all in my prayers.
I can sympathize with your daughter.
In my childhood, an incident occured where my upper lip was torn from the corner of my mouth up to the side of my nose. It’s an unfortunate scar to have, but it’s grown on me and eventually people forget it’s there.
Wishing your munchkin the best of luck and a speedy recovery.
Bossy, your beautiful daughter daisy will be in our prayers….
Ya know. I looked at the picture of Bossy’s girl and I knew – she will always smile. . .
I came via Tongue and Cheek. Oh, I’m so sorry for you and your daughter. I’m sending well wishes and you will both be in my thoughts.
All the best from me and the fictional gang over here. I hope your daughter heals fast and well; I’ve got a fantastic plastic surgeon if you need her.
my son shredded his lip at approx. the same age. the next week he had a enormous upper lip. but he’s 22 y/o now and there’s barely a scar. i’m sure she will do well and the graft will take. huggs, margiesbooboo
Sending warmth and healing wishes from across the sea.
Since i can’t talk to you in person i just wasnted to “tell” you that i hope you get better very soon.
hope you feel better
I am sending ALL my love from Australia to your sweet little girl, I hope and pray she will recover.
If she or you ever need to talk to someone who knows how this feels I am here for her, I too was attacked by a dog age 12 and had the back of my scalp ripped off. I remember every minute of the attack and the days that followed.
It has taken me to age 43 to let myself near a dog, and this year I finally allowed my boys to get a puppy. I understand completely how you feel, I have lived this nightmare too.
Once again I wish you all the very best in the recovery.
I will be praying daily for your darling one. And the graft. And all of you. And that God will hold you in his loving arms during this very trying time.
I can only imagine how devastating this is…but there is always the hope that she will heal beautifully, and smile the loveliest smile again. Wishing you strength, sending you hugs,
xo Lidy
Oh Bossy, I’ve just been a lurcher, but wanted to tell you I’ll do it and let your daughter linger in my thoughts. Young bossy’s need their lips to purse properly and I’ve a feelin’ it’ll be that way. My son fell when he was younger and had a tooth come out THROUGH his lip and the doctor seemed to understand the importance of the lining up of the lip. My daughter has a scar on her right cheek from falling also and it is very prominent and a beautiful feature to me now. She’s even more beautiful in that special Tina Fey way. Your daughter’s already got it going on from her mom, I see there. Take care of you too. No, that’s too much with all the comments you have.
Holy crap. I can’t even begin to imagine how hard this is for all of you, especially your daughter.
We’re sending good, quick, healing vibes your way.
I haven’t been able to comment for days. This post knocked the words right out of me. Please know that I’m — and all your readers are — continuing to send you and your precious daughter waves of love and healing. They keep rollin’ in . . .
(((((((Bossy and Bossy’s Sweet Daughter)))))) Prayers are with you.
You don’t know me–I’m a regular Blackbird reader and irregular poster. Saw her note tonight about your beautiful daughter. I’m a stepmom to a 29 year old and a 27 year old and I have a 19, going on 20 year old. I’ve seen broken bones and broken hearts (literally and figuratively). What you’ve described, however, is horrible and I’ll be praying for you and your daughter every night. (AND I have always had pets, including dogs, but NO ONE should be allowed to have a dog that they can’t controlm or for that matter, that NEEDS to be controlled against doing anything that comes even remotely CLOSE to what that dog did to yourchild. Again, I am so sorry!)
Oh, Bossy. I am so sorry!! My 11 year old son had a stroke almost 2 years ago – a similarly sudden and terrifying event, and life-changing for the whole family, too. He bears the scar of left-side hemiplegia (he’s still weak) and faces years of physical therapy and a lifetime of medication. So, I share your grief for how things were “before”. I will pray for you all… for strength and healing and more strength.
PS – after this huge page of comments, your little joke about the readers / strikethru / READER? It’s history. You clearly have scads of admirers who are wishing you well! There’s no denying it…
That little girl is going to be fine. She’s got a mom who, in the midst of a terrifying experience, has the presence of mind to search through the bushes for a missing piece of lip. This is first-class parenting. A child could lose an arm and still be ahead with someone like that in her corner.
Came here via Pioneer Woman, So sorry to hear about your little girl, my heart aches just reading what happened, I can’t even imagine (or want to go through) what you guys are dealing with right now. Best wishes for a speedy recovery!
My thoughts and prayer for you and your daughter bossy.
all my hugs and well wishes to your sweet little girl…xo laura
Oh, I am so sorry! I just found your blog a couple days ago and started reading. My thoughts are with your family.
Count me in too! Wishing Bossy’s sweet daughter (and Bossy!) a speedy recovery. It’s amazing how this tragic news can stay with a person all day. I’ve thought of little else. Be well, dear ones.
I found you through Corey.
I am so sorry to hear about your horrible ordeal. I will keep you and your daughter in my thoughts and prayers.
I hope she will recover fully.
You must be thanking your lucky stars that it wasn’t worse, as it could easily have been. I am so glad of that, sorry as I am to hear what has happened. Daisy is safe and that is the important thing. All the best for her swift recovery and for all of you getting your faith in life renewed in the days to come.
No child of Bossy (and scion of Bert) is going to be blighted by this one bad moment, shocking and brutal as it was. But if our wishes and prayers and hopes aren’t quite enough, and a surgeon’s skill is still required, please let us help. Something like this is burden enough on a family; put up a tip jar and let us give back a little for all the pleasure you’ve given us. We wish the very best for your darling girl; if you find you don’t need funds for now, save them up for college.
Be comforted, Bossy. Wounds heal.
Still thinking of you… just wanted to let you know…
your daughter is beautiful! i will be praying for her recovery, that the graft heals and that she’ll have her gorgeous smile back very soon.
what are they doing with the vicious dog?
Just wanted you to know that we are praying for your daughter (and the rest of your family)….that is unbelieveable!
I must ask…is that dog still alive? Has animal control taken it away?
I am so sorry this happened. My family is praying for yours, especially your precious daughter.
Your girl has more heart than most people twice her size. Her heart will pull all of you through this too, I’m sure. I wish you all the best for a speedy and full recovery.
Delurking again to send more love and well wishes. This has had me worried so much all day. Many thoughts and prayers sent to you and Angel.
When Bossy posted her ‘Family Emergency’ about her daughter…I literally welled up with tears at the story and the photos of the beautiful girl now shocked to her soul at the violence she has suffered! I hope that Sunshine is able to recuperate not only in body but in soul and feel joy-full again!
Ditto to all of the above. I’m praying for your daughter and her beautiful smile.
Oh, Bossy…I can’t even begin to imagine. My prayers are with your family & your daughter. Please, please make sure you get her the BEST medical consults available!! No matter what the cost, it’s well worth it. Those first few weeks of healing make all the difference!!
You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers.
Oh my, I’m so sorry that your daughter, you, and your family have to go through this! My prayers and thoughts for a good outcome will continue.
Discovered your terrible family news on Pioneer Woman…please be comforted by all those, including me, who are praying for your daughter and your entire family…this tragedy affects more than your precious daughter…holding positive thoughts.
Discovered your terrible family news on Pioneer Woman…please be comforted by all those, including me, who are praying for your daughter and your entire family…this tragedy affects more than your precious daughter…holding positive thoughts.
I am so sorry. My daughter was bit on the lip by a dog when she was about the same age. An ER visit and stitches by a plastic surgeon. I know how I felt and your daughters was so much worse. I will keep her in my prayers.
I can’t even express to you how sorry I am.
My thoughts and prayers are with your family.
i follow your blog, but have never commented until now. i just went through a similar situation this past summer with my daugher,Molly. I am soooo sorry and I can sympathize. I pray for a quick and painless recovery for your daughter. Doctors, especially reconstructive plastic surgeons, can work miracles. And, children are so resiliant, in addition to having skin that heals so much faster and better than us old folks.
I’m a bossy lurker and so this is my first comment. Hearing about your daughter strikes way too close to home as I am a mom of two myself. Your daughter is beautiful and I pray for all your family as I know it must be difficult for you all.
We are keeping your daughter in our thoughts – we know that with you as her mother, she will have so much strength to draw on.
Oh, Bossy, I am so sorry to hear this… your daughter is beautiful inside and out and I know how you must be feeling. My daughter had an accident to her mouth, losing permanent teeth seven years ago and she is still going thru procedures to get her beautiful smile back. Braces and surgery are still in her future. Know that there are amazing things that can be done nowadays, and I hope she heals quickly, both physically and emotionally from such an tragic situation. My heart goes out to you and your whole family.
We’re with you. Praying.
I am so sorry that this happened! Praying that all goes well for you and your sweet daughter.
We are sending prayers for her complete recovery. I am so sorry this has happened to that beautiful girl.
Visiting after I saw your name on Pioneer Woman. Ya’ll are in my thoughts & prayers. So sorry you’re going through this. Take care…
OK, so over 500 people have sent their prayers and best wishes and all that.
I’m doing that too but for those 26 people who read my blog know, I’m not the greatest fan or advocate of the species known as dog. We own two so I’m sure.
So while the internet world is sending all the love it can muster to Sunny Sunnerton, I’m kicking that big hairy mongrel of an animal that did this to your child. Kicking. really. hard.
And willing the graft to take.
Oh, I’m so so sorry. I came over from Tongue in Cheek. Prayers being lifted this instant.
I came from Tongue In Cheek as well….I am so truly sorry for this awful thing to have happened to one so sweet….my heart is full of sympathy and I will for sure be keeping them all in my thoughts and prayers for this dear girl to be healed.
Will be praying for you, your daughter and the rest of your family!! Sending you love, hugs and good thoughts from San Francisco!!
Best wishes for a speedy recovery from Los Angeles.
Here from Corey’s Tongue-in-Cheek message…please know that your beautiful daughter is in my heart and thoughts. May your family find comfort and strength in the incredible outpouring of love and caring from all these heartfelt messages.
Oh, Bossy has such beautiful children in all the possibly ways of being beautiful. I am so sorry your daughter and you have to go through this and you are in my secular, hence puny, but heartfelt prayers to the big question mark in the sky.
prayers and hugs and healing thoughts to your family– your beautiful daughter, especially….
sigh. I am so sorry.
Bossy, your daughter and your family are in my prayers tonight.
Prayers, Prayers & prayers, it is all any of us can do. God Bless your little girl.
God Bless you. Healing prayers are winging your way.
I cannot begin to imagine… our good thoughts are with you all!
omg. I’m glad the dog was destroyed.
Sending prayers and well wishes for healing your daughter’s way – wishing that ‘all will be well and all will be well and all manner of things will be well’…
how awful… all my kind thoughts and prayers are with Bossy’s daughter… I hope very very much the healing will be successful…
i don’t pray, and i’ve already commented on this entry…but i’m here again because i have been thinking about you.
i just sat and read all of these comments, and WOW.
if only we could heal your sweet daughter with internet-love. i was attacked by a dog when i was about 16 months old: it nearly took my pinky finger clear off. my mother recalls it as being the worst day of her life. she picked me up and started running to the hospital, because she thought it would take to long to get me in my carseat.
(clearly, she wasn’t thinking as well as you managed to)
thing is, i can’t remember it.
you’ve shown us in this post, and in others before it, that your daughter is beautiful. i am 100% positive that she will continue to be so.
but i can’t stand thinking that she will have to remember this happening. and then i think about you having to remember climbing the porch to find the missing piece of your own daughter…i don’t even know what to say. except that i hope they gave you both some valium? and, if they didn’t, let me know. i’ll send you mine.
obviously, you’re in my thoughts.
and the thoughts of a lot of other people.
i’m just so sorry that we can’t make it all go away.
and i’m also sorry that i apparently forgot how to use grammar in that last comment, even though i know that grammar is the least of your worries at a time like this.
That’s awful. What can one say? I hope everything goes well with the graft. Stunned thoughts from Australia.
I pray that God bless your dear daughter and grant her a complete physical and mental recovery from this traumatic event. I think you need prayers, too, Bossy.
praying for the return of that beautiful smile.
So so sorry,
This is one of the most terrible things I have read. I wish it weren’t true. Your family is in my thoughts and I’m sending as much positive energy your way as I can muster.
Terrible, terrible events.
I wish you all the best for the coming days and weeks ahead.
Came here via Pioneer Woman; I hope that your beautiful daughter will come thru this fine. We will keep her in our thoughts.
i am lifting prayers that her beautiful smile will be restored swiftly…and that she may endure the procedures with ease…my heart goes out to you too…for a mother to be unable to make her child well, is the biggest hole in your heart…blessings, rebecca
Dear Bossy, writing again to say I have been thinking nearly constantly of you, who have made me laugh so many times, and your lovely daughter, and her dad and brother, too. Have emailed many friends about this and they are sending healing thoughts your way, as well. I looked at some plastic surgery websites and the doctors are doing the most beautiful work on some of the most horrendous dog bites. So there is a LOT of hope for restoration of that sweet smile.
Many, many prayers are being sent out to your beautiful daughter for a complete recovery. Give her a great big hug from “another Mom” . And one for you too!
I’m a new reader here at Bossy and just wanted to say that your family, especially your beautiful daughter, are in my thoughts and prayers. God Bless!
Include my prayers for healing as well. Sending light and love and healing. I visualize a bright and beautiful smile, to match the inner smile.
Prayer does heal!
*tears* Oh, Bossy !! I’m so sorry your beautiful daughter was hurt – sending up prayers for her and your family.
My thoughts and prayers will be with you all…
…I am so sorry… Please know you are in my thoughts and prayers… God bless you.
Bossy my Dear, I have just discovered the news from PW’s site and want you to know of our prayers for your angel girl. I wish you could have been spared this trauma, but please do breathe deeply and place your hope in plastic surgery skills and in all the prayers and healing energy that is coming her (and your) way. No scar, small or large can keep that beauty from shining through from the inside! Please keep us informed!
…I am so sorry… Please know you are in my thoughts and prayers… God bless you.
Bossy’s daughter WILL have a beautiful smile again. Because all angels need their beautiful smiles.
And I hope that dog is a dead dog so it can’t put another family through the wringer that yours is going through. Not for revenge, just for safety purposes. Seriously.
All our best wishes and prayers for a speedy recovery. Tell your daughter to keep up her good works. But to heal first and maybe take it a little easy for awhile.
(Here via Blackbird)
Oh, my goodness! What a horrible thing to have happen! I will say prayers for all involved.
I will hold a good thought for your beautiful daughter. She is kind, brave and very smart. My heart goes out to all of you, I hope that smiles will return to each of you, very soon.
My heart goes out to the other little girl, and her grandmother as well. How helpless and afraid they must have felt in the moment, and now I’m sure they feel very worried. Good thoughts are going their way too.
Take care.
I will definitely pray for your daughter — that the graft ‘takes’ and she heals without scarring.
A dose of Arnica (potency 200c) will help. One dose is three pellets.
my thoughts are with you and your daughter….. may she have a full and speedy recovery….
I heard about this in school and I was absolutly shocked. How’s Daisy doing?
Tell her I said Hi and give her my best wishes
Her Friend, Alyssa
She’ll be in my thoughts.
I’m new here, but … there are no words. Just tears, and thoughts. Lots and lots of them. Do try the arnica, like another poster suggested.
Adding my love here to help the healing.
I’m sorry to hear about your daughter. My thoughts are with you.
I am so sorry to hear this happened to your daughter, and I want you to know that I am praying for a swift and trouble free recovery. My thoughts are with you.. xx
oh freakin crap. I am SO SORRY.
I have not checked your blog in days and did nt find out about it.
Heres hoping the graft takes.
thoughts are heading your way…
Oh, dear God. You and your little angel are in my thoughts and prayers. Please, keep us updated.
Oh my god Bossy, I am so sorry to hear this and very sad here. I will be thinking good thoughts for your daughter and your entire family.
Best wishes for a speedy recovery for your daughter.
I’m so sorry and heartbroken to hear about your precious daughter. Sending prayers, healing vibes, lots of hugs and wishes for a speedy recovery.
When I was young an accident where I smashed into my steering wheel left my upper lip gashed open completely split way up into my nostril. A good doctor sewed me up. It was swollen and so very tender for what seemed months but it went down. One more bit of plastic surgery – they called it “sanding” my scar – helped so much it is hardly noticeable now. A good surgeon with skilled hands can do so much.
I tell you this to give you encouragement. I have never seen so much love poured out from so many as in these comments and I assure you our Father in heaven answers prayers and you will be fine… just like I was and am today.
Take heart. They fixed me and that was 1972. What they can do today is so superior to then. It will just take time and lots of patience. May God bless you!
My thoughts and prayers are with your whole family. God has blessed your daughter with a sweet spirit and I pray that she will be carried through this misfortune.
sending good thoughts your way
Sent via Corey…
I’m so very sorry…will pray for your sweet girl, you and your loving family. Sending good and healing thoughts.
I came here from Pioneer Woman. I, too, am sending good thoughts your way. I will just echo what others have already said: children heal quickly and the U.S. has amazing medical technology. How lucky that you found her lip for the graft! Your family will be included in my prayers. And don’t forget to take care of yourself during this time!
Dear Bossy,
Cre8tiva sent me. I will pray for your Daisy. For her total and COMPLETE HEALING!!!
God bless her and you and your family.
with love,
As a fellow mother, this just takes my breath away. I am so very sorry you guys are going through this. I’m praying for your daughter.
You and your family are in our thoughts and keep you in our prayers. We share and accompany in your sentiment. Be strong!
Hi Bossy,
Come over from Pioneer Woman to tell you that I am praying for your girl. What a beautiful daughter she is! I don’t know if you are a believer or not, but I am and I believe that nothing happens by accident. God has a purpose and a reason for every thing He allows in our lives and will bring good from it somehow. I hope as several have written already, that you check out your Dr.s and that you bring charges against that dog’s owner. That dog should not be allowed anywhere around any children. Please let us know how your daughter is.
I’m so sorry to hear of this horrible, scary event – am sending positive thoughts and prayers to you and your brave little girl. Hang in there mom! {{HUGS!}}
Now that I’ve read this, I will be thinking of your beautiful girl and sending up prayers for her, her smile, and her mom. I was attacked by a large, vicious dog as a child, but I was lucky because only my leg was mauled. Remeber, kids are very resilient and have a remarkable ability to heal. She will.
my heart goes out to your family; i will keep you all in my thoughts. i hope the graft takes and she can make a swift recovery.
your family is in my prayers.
My heart goes out to you and your family.
I hope things will be better as soon as possible.
My heart goes out to you and your family.
I hope things will be better as soon as possible.
Oh, how awful! I am so sorry, and will be hoping for a speedy and full recovery as soon as possible. Hugs to your daughter.
Praying for your sweet baby girl- that her graft will hold and that she’ll develop a sense of true resilience through this that will help her to grow and serve her throughout her life. The beautiful thing about her picture is that you can tell her smile is from deep down within. That inner happiness and beauty will help heal her outer smile.
Also praying for poor granny that couldn’t control the vile dog. I’m sure she was terrified and feels terribly guilty even though frail grannies shouldn’t be left to control vicious dogs. Hope the dog is put down.
My heart and my prayers go out to you and your family, and your sweet daughter. I hope she gets her smile back, but do know that this incident, no matter how it turns out, will not define her. She is strong and brave and deeply, deeply loved, and will continue to be no matter what.
My blessings and good healing thoughts to you and yours,
My thoughts and prayers are with you. I hope it all heals perfectly and she can continue to smile wih confidence.
Oh, how terrible! She looks so sweet, and definitely does not deserve this. Hope the graft heals well.
OMG! Our prayers go out to you at this difficult time. We hope the graft takes!
GG, you’ve got my thoughts and prayers. Your little girl has a beautiful smile, and I just know that it will be just as beautiful, no matter what happens.
Linked here from Corey’s. What a horrible thing. Sending big hopes, wishes, hugs and LOVE to Little Bossy (and the rest of the family). Her smile shall return to new. I have faith.
Oh my! That is just horrible! Sending good throughs your way that that beautiful smile returns soon!!
prayers and healing thought. Just stop by from Tongue in Cheek. Blessing Jeanette
I’m praying for little bossy! Please tell me that dog will be put down!!!
Dearest bossy jr. You are in our hearts and prayers. Our family is praying for healing of your body and spirit, and sending loads of hugs your way. You are a strong brave one, and will come through this more lovely then before.
Bossy & fam:
Hang in there any be strong. You have hundreds of people praying for your daughter to heal. I don’t think you could have better odds. I wish I were close and could do something for you, clean your house and make you dinner while you hold your daughters hand. Instead we are sending all our prayers to you and your family. Keep us posted on your little one’s progress.
so sorry about your daughter…sending warm thoughts and prayers.
danielle muller
Bossy, little bossy and family. Thinking of you guys and sending best wishes and supportive thoughts.
Bossy and Sunny, we are sending you lots of love and prayers and crossed fingers.
When I was 14, I was bitten on the butt by six German Shepherd guard dogs that had escaped their fenced-in yard and chased me as I was walking to school. If it hadn’t hurt so much, it would have been painfully embarrassing.
Plus, people had a tendency to giggle uncontrollably when they talked about it. Geez.
Yeah. Not the mind-picture I wanted that cute guy in French class to have of me, for sure.
It took a while before I was able to sit down comfortably. It might take a while before you can smile comfortably, too. Why not learn the American Sign Language sign for “smile” and use that until you heal?

Keep your chin up, sweetie. We’ve got your back!
Oh Bossy!! I’m so so sorry to hear this awful news! I will pray for your sweet girl. How tragic. :*^(
Dear Bossy and Family, Just read over on PW that your little girl needs prayers. So I am praying from the heart that God would be by your sides while you go through the healing and any medical procedures, that He would give complete healing and return that beautiful smile (inside and out), and that He would give you a sense of Peace as you go through this frightening time.
Love and peace to you all, Madmom
I am new here (just arrived via Outside the Toy Box). That is awful! My thoughts are with you and your daughter. If it helps at all, someone in Arizona is wishing you the best possible outcome!
My prayers are with you.
I, like Erika at Linksational, do NOT know what to say. But my prayers are with you anyway!!!
Oh God I’m so sorry. I too was bitten by a dog on the mouth when I was a kid. I was sewn up and healed fine- but it was nothing like a skin graft. I can’t imagine what you must be going through but you’re a great mommy and I’m sure she’s in the best hands possible. Thoughts and prayers are with you and your baby girl.
I don’t know that I’ve ever commented here before although I enjoy your place here immensely…it’s just that being comment number 517 generally seems kind of pointless.
But in a situation like this I have to tell you mom to mom, that you and your Sunny Sunnerton will be on my mind and I will be wishing for all that is good in the universe to help her heal. I’m so sorry she (and you all) are going through this.
Your poor sweet girl. She’ll be okay; plastic surgery is amazing and no matter what her smile will shine brightly again.
Aww, such a beautiful girl.
I’m sure everything will work out okay!
Best Wishes!
A prayer for you: Dearest Father, please let your healing touch rest gently on Sunny! Give her peace, rest, and calm while the act of healing you set in motion at creation works in her body. Help her family to continue to support and undergird her through these important days. Let her receive and feel the love of others and most especially the warmth of her Heavenly Father who loves her most of all. In Christ’s name we pray, Amen!
Heavenly Father, I lift up this innocent fragile life to you for healing. I pray that your hand be present each and every time a doctor touches her. Father, please take the pain that she is feeling and lessen it. Please God, be sure she able to properly nourish her body during this time of great difficulty. Keep your angels near to her and her family and guide them in any decision making that needs to be done. You are the great Physician Lord and You have the power to care for this child whom I lift up to you. Please help her mother find much needed sleep as well as this child.
In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.
Holy crap! Are you kidding me?!!!! There are no words. No words. I’m so so very sorry. You guys did not deserve this. And I hate this. My thoughts are with your whole family.
oh bossy, i’m so so sorry. i can only begin to imagine how blindingly scary this must be. although, the exact same thing happened to my brother when he was about 10 or 11. i wasn’t his mom, of course, but i do recall being his older sister. it was horrible. and it was horrible for a long time afterward. now he’s in his 30s and it’s just a little scar on his face. a smallish scar that people meeting him for the first time wouldn’t necessarily even notice. i sure hope your daughter has a similar journey.
but that sure is a beautiful smile.
thinking of you and your family.
She looked for the missing piece? WOW. WHAT A GIRL. I mean besides the kindness, sweetness and love, she has incredible courage and brains. She, her lips and her smile will be in my thoughts and prayers and you too mom! Lots of kisses sent to those lips!
Bossy, I’m so sorry to read about your daughter and all you all have been through. Keeping her and you both in my thoughts and prayers. She’s such a beautiful girl, just like her mother!
Good god…..your poor daughter..that is totally horrific.
thoughts prayers anything you guys need….
Oh my goodness. This summer we saw a little boy whose cheek had been ripped open by a dog. It was a family pet with an ear infection and it just snapped.
I can’t even begin to express how sorry I am for your daughter and your family.
Sending healing thoughts and prayers to you all.
God love your sweet daughter! We are all thinking about her and your family. Why does the bad stuff seem to happy to those who do good? Sending prayers, good mojo and more from my family to yours.
Oh my stars!!! I am praying so hard that the grafting takes. You are in my thoughts.
Here’s hoping everything works out just fine. Hang in there.
Wow! You blogged about this so coherently, you sound like a strong mama! I hope she heals just beautifully, so sorry it had to happen.
Bossy & Little Miss Bossy,
Came over from Pioneer Woman to say, you both are in my thoughts and prayers, and I have added you to my church prayer list as well as asked my friends and co-workers for their prayers as well. I have experiece from working in ER’s with children and adults coming in with dog bites..its very traumatic for everyone, especially the children. Nourishment is important for healing, make lots of soups with protein, finely chop meats and crunchy veggies, make lots of mashed potatoes and gravy and give her some shakes made from ensure or boost with a couple scoops of ice cream in between meals to boost her nurtritional intake while she is healing. Increase her fluid intake, she probably doesnt want to drink much with a painful mouth, but children dehydrate quickly. Ask her MD if ok to use low heat from flexable lamp to promote circulation and healing…on for 20 mins 4-5 times a day. Keep infection risk down. Besides prayers, love and positive thoughts, thats all I have to offer from far away. Bossy, you are an amazing mother and you and your lovely daughter will get through this. May you have a tender and remarkable Christmas.
Deb in TX
Prayers on the wing. Angels around her and you!
Dear Lord, please help this dear child to smile again with your joy. She reflected your kindness and was met with disaster. Please help her to heal and give her parents strength. Amen.
My thoughts and prayers are with you. I am so sorry your family have to go through this difficult time. May God heal your daughter and restore her lovely smile.
An unspeakable horror for your daughter and family. The dog should be destroyed IMMEDIATELY. I had a beloved Pug who launched herself at my daughter’s face, 4 years ago. The dog was sleeping on my lap and my daughter patted her on the way by. The second time my daughter walked by my dog and I, the dog did it again. She was taken immediately to the vet’s to be put down. The pain and anguish done to your daughter is unforgivable if the owners of that dog knew it was aggressive in any way, shape or form. My heart goes out to your daughter as she heals and to you, her family. It is agony being a mother/parent and having a child go through something like this.
I cannot even begin to imagine what your family is going through. Of course you, your daughter and family are in our thoughts and prayers. You hug that brave girl for us and let her know we are thinking of her.
It is unfathomable to me that a family would keep a dog with a history of aggressive behavior around children. I hope they have the decency to put the dog down so it can’t harm another child.
I am praying for her smile, emotions from the event and for you. So sorry this happened to her.
i’m sending good vibes and well wishes your family’s way.
Praying for your girl and for your family!
I just read this! I’m so sorry! Poor sweetie! I hope everything goes well with the graft and she gets her beautiful smile back.
Oh my gosh. I am praying hard. This is awful for this little girl & her family. Noone should endure this!
I had not realized this was in fact your daughter. I am sending so many prayers your way, so many! Hugs from far away…
Our family will be thinking and praying for your daughter tonight as we light our advent candles. Oy. Keep breathin’ and take it slow—I can’t even fathom it right now. The fury and the pain of seeing your kid in pain.
Thank God she has you.
Incredible! Horrific!But I have no doubt that all will end well because of the power of prayer and we will ALL be praying our hardest and loudest!!! Please be strong!
Wow. What a scary thing for all of you! Thoughts and good healing vibes coming her way for a full recovery–that beautiful smile won’t go away, no matter what.
Many prayers for her from me and my family! Such a lovely girl, and always will be!
I just read this post- what a nightmare! I am praying for your sweet little girl.
we’ll keep praying. you go get a lawyer.
we’ll keep praying. you go get a lawyer.
I can’t even imagine how you all must feel. I’m praying that the graft takes and restores that sweet smile, just as it was. And praying your hearts can heal, as well.
Cory {of ‘Tongue In Cheek’} sent me over. My heart goes out to you. I simply can not fathom why any of it happened. Nor can I fathom how much strength you all need, to get through this terror.
Your baby girl is in my thoughts, Bossy.
Sweet, sweet girl… She’ll be in my thoughts until she heals. Sending good energy to you.
Sweet, sweet girl… She’ll be in my thoughts until she heals. Sending good energy to you.
I’m holding up the caboose here with thoughts sent your way. I couldn’t imagine. Hoping that your family and especially your angel is whole again.
I am so sorry to hear this happened! You an your daughter are in my thoughts and prayers!
Oh Bossy girl.
You know I’ve got a God and you know I’m tight with him.
You are so in my prayers.
I can’t imagine.
love and kisses.
Our family will be praying for your daughter!
Directed here by Pioneer Woman and leaving you with sweet thoughts and prayers. Storming the heavens for that beautiful smile to be preserved.
Sending some healing your way (for both of you). Poor baby. I hope she gets better soon.
oh bless her heart :(( I’m crying just reading this. All the prayers I can find.
Big prayers for your daughter and your family…
My prayer is that your daughter’s smile will be even more beautiful than before and that you will be blessed with God’s perfect peace during this difficult time. (found you on pioneer woman’s site)
OH my goodness. You guys are in my thoughts.
am praying that the graft will take without complications and no infection sets in. (can you tell I’m a nurse? lol) Seriously, am praying that all will be well and she recovers, and you as well.
take care and have a merry christmas in spite.
you and your daughter are in my thoughts. … she looks just like you too.
Tanya &
The Siekman Triplets
Delurking to tell you how incredibly sorry I am that your daughter had to endure such a horrific ordeal and you are all in my thoughts. It takes but a moment for something like this to happen and I’m sorry that you all are dealing with this.
I look forward to reading that everything has gone exceptionally well and she is fast on the road to recovery! Please let her know we’re thinking about her!!
Ohh, as a parent my heart goes out to you. I’ll keep your daughter in my prayers for a quick and complete recovery.
I’m just leaving a comment here because there were exactly 666 before this one, and that’s just not right.
Hoping the surgeon had some good news for you today!
hugs and prayers Bossy.
Mercy :/…
Here from Life is a Lunchbox to extend my greetings and prayers to your daughter (and you). Judging by how many comments I had to scroll past to get to the comment box, many are feeling her pain and praying already.
Sooo, so sorry for her circumstance; she’s a beautiful soul wrapped around a beautiful package :).
May God richly bless your precious little girl and hold her in His loving arms until she is completely healed.
oh the poor sweet thing. All thoughts and positive vibes heading her way from this household.
I am so so sorry for your daughters pain. I will pray for her and your family.
Our prayers and thoughts go out to you.
Glad that it wasn’t as tragic as it could have been, but still very sorry to hear about this. Good vibes and warm wishes and hopes for a speedy recovery headed your way from The Bog.
I’m a longtime Pioneer Woman reader who has occasionally popped by your site by way of your clever comments. I just wanted to wish you and your girl a speedy recovery and assure you that even a stranger can see that the sparkle in those eyes will far outshine any scar she may bear from this experience. Her smile will ALWAYS be beautiful. Take care.
Oh my God I’m so sorry. Your family will
be in our prayers.
So, I say this as Pediatric ER Med doc at Children’s Memorial in Chicago; she will be fine. While a complex area, recon docs are amazing. Think of what they do for cleft lips. I have seen some nasty bites that in time are all but a memory.
As a mother, I am saying; how scary and awful! I am very sorry and will be thinking healing thoughts for her. I hope Grandma has excellent homeowners insurance.
As a girl, I hope she milks it and Santa is extra good to her this year. Maybe time to ask for that pony.
Oh my god. My heart just fell out of my butt.
I will be sharing at least 72% of my thoughts with you and your beautiful girl. (I’d give it all, but pregnancy takes 20% and I need 8% for myself to function.)
I’m so sorry to hear that… I’m sending positive thoughts and energy to all of you.
Take care
I’m very behind on Bossy reading but I’m so sorry to hear about your daughter. I really hope she recovers and the graft is successful. As a huge dog person, I am always horrified when I hear about aggressive dogs and that their owners actually KNOW the dog is aggressive. Anyway, my gentle Irish Wolfhound and I wish her all the best. R
I can’t believe this. I’m SO, so sorry.
Having kids makes us as parents so vulnerable, “like having your heart walk around outside your body.” Mine aches for you and yours right now, that she went through it, and that she’s ok…that ache of “thank god it wasn’t worse”. The ache that is in ones heart and throat and the pit of the stomach.
I am sooo, sooo sorry that this happened to such a sweet little girl. No matter how this turns out her beautiful face and eyes will always light up the world. My greatest of prayers are for bossy’s little precious girl.
Oh wow. I am so sorry for your sweet beautiful girl. My prayers are that she will heal quickly and that the graft will take. Huge hugs.
Omg I’m so sorry. Many prayers that everything will heal quickly and smoothly.
Oh, Bossy! May the Lord hold you and your family extra tightly this holiday season.
Hopped over here PW’s site. You all are in our prayers. Love to hear an update
Hopped over here from PW’s site. You all are in our prayers. Love to hear an update
OMG… my heart just hurts to think of this; all of you are in our prayers.
Warm fuzzy vibes to all you!
My classmates nose was torn off by a barbed wire fence when he was snowmobiling in the 8th grade. It was re-attached. My husband’s upper lip was split in two durning a broomball game. Neither one has a scar unless it’s pointed out……………..the young have such an advantage! She’ll be twice as beautiful when this is done, but so sorry your family has had this trauma. Hold tight.
Many thoughts and prayers are with your beautiful little angel, hoping she’ll heal quickly and as good as new.
I am speechless and feel so sad and angry that a sweet child doing a good deed had to encounter such a nightmare.
I haven’t been here for awhile and couldn’t help think of the irony as your son shows his joy at his college acceptance and soon your daughter is in the ER with facial surgery. Life. What a blizzard of emotions it throws our way.
You are such a great momma – finding the humor to get through all this will keep you and your daughter going.
Love and gentle hugs.
Bossy – My prayers are going out to you and your sunshine.
Give her many kisses for me. Dogs like that should be put down.
Oh Bossy, I’ve heard so many great things about you and I never came by….Now I heard about your beautiful little girl and I HAD to come and send my love…
I promise I’ll be back for the greatness that is Bossy too!!!!
I’m so sorry to hear about this. I know I’m late coming over, but I just had to send good wishes this way.
My prayers to you and your beautiful daughter. Right now I am praying.
I am so sorry to hear that. Sending healing, positive thoughts towards you and your daughter!
Your daughter is already beautiful where it is most important – in her spirit. Whatever happens, and we all hope she can keep her outer beauty so evident in her smile, she will always be beautiful where it counts most. You are both in my thoughts.
Dear Bossy’s Daughter/Angel:
There is no reason things like this happen to people we love. But there’s always TONS more good stuff than bad, don’t forget that.
But even though scary or painful things happen, it’s wonderful that all these people who “know” your Mom are sending you their prayers and good thoughts and imaginary hugs, and wishing they could just wrap their arms about you to make the hurt and fear go away.
So you go on being the strong, kind, thoughtful, wonderful girl that you are, and let all that love shine down on you and help you feel better. ANY time you feel lonely or scared or that you can’t trust the world, you just think of all these people caring about YOU and wanting to make you feel better. ‘Cause you will feel better, and smile a wonderful smile again, because it comes from inside, from your sweet soul.
So very sorry to hear of this, my thoughts will certainly be with your daughter and you.
Sandra Evertson
I came from Jenn’s….
What a nightmare for your kind, sweet daughter! For your entire family. I wish her swift healing, both her surgical site and her tender heart.
Wow, this pretty much really sucks. I’m so sorry your family is going through this. Hang in there.
How terrible. I will be praying. My daughter lost over 1/3 of her upper lip along with 10 teeth and part of her nose in a go-kart accident 6 years ago. It’s amazing what God is able to do through the Dr.’s. Keep your hopes up and just love on that girl of yours. She needs it more than ever right now.
I am so sorry this happened to your little girl. Our prayers are with her and your family.
***many, many hugs…***
Everything crossed and so many healing thoughts coming your way.
Oh that poor girl! Poor Mommy! That makes me just sick inside. I hope that dog was put down and swiftly.
Many prayers and wishes of Christmas magic for that graft. I am so sorry.
Prayers -thoughts – intentions – more prayers – all going out from me to you and your precious daughter.
We’ve got you. There is so much power available when a whole BUNCHA women (and men) get intentional about something. All will be well.
I will be thinking of your daughter every day, your beautiful sweet girl.
Horrified doesn’t begin to describe it. Thinking of you all and sending warm wishes for successful healing. I can’t look at her picture without aching for you all.
You both (and the rest of your family) will be in my prayers- and the prayers of the rest of the people in my church. Hang in there, Honey!
Just popping in from Breed ’em and Weep to say, “Bossy had the foresight to comb the neighbor’s porch and locate the missing section of upper lip?!?!?!?!?!?” Wow, Bossy, you are one tough lady, with wicked instincts. I wouldn’t have been able to see A THING. Damn, you’re good.
Also, while I will be sending the best loving kindness I can muster to you and your girl, I would also like to point out the karmic bitch-slap headed right in the direction of whomever made that dog mean…
how very frightening! i will be keeping your daughter and family in my thoughts and prayers. (((hugs)))
I’m so sorry this happened to your daughter and will be keeping you in my thoughts. If it helps, my niece had a nearly identical incident (based on your description of the injury) and she has healed really, really nicely. At first, obviously, the injury was the first thing you saw when you looked at her, but now I don’t think you would notice unless it was pointed out.
I wish I had a suggestion or a remedy that would make this better, but I really don’t.
Our good thoughts are with you all though, and I hope you find some comfort in knowing that so many people are sending their blessings.
Here’s to the hope that the New Year brings you only good news, and your daughter, despite her fright and pain, retains the gentle spirit that caused her to help a little kid in the first place.
Best wishes from our family.
OH MY! Lots of hugs your way. Her beautiful smile will be back in no time.
My god, I am not sure how I missed this… oh sweetie, what a shock.
I am so sorry! I know she will be better than great when this is all over! I wish you a speedy recovery. You are in my prayers sweet little angel!
I hope it heals quickly
Not fair.
So goddamn not fair it’s making my brain turn into a boiling siege.
I hope you have people bringing food and hugs and alcohol and bolstering your strength for all the hardcore mothering you are in the midst of.
xoxoxoxo Debbie
terrible. poor little lady. it all happens in an instant. that’s all i got.
all my very best.
Oh, I am so sorry!
I’ll be praying for that beautiful smile!
oh my goodness! many good thoughts for your baby girl…i’m sure all will be fine and she’ll be good as new in no time. sigh.
oh good god i just realized this was like a year ago. honestly.
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